
Peralta G, Resasco J, Worthy S, Frost C, Guevara AT, Manning I, Cagnolo L, Burkle L (2024). Pollinator intraspecific body size variation and sociality influence their interactions with plants. Functional Ecology, 38: 875-882.

Peralta G, CaraDonna PJ, Rakosy D, Fründ J, Pascual Tudanca MP, Dormann CF, Burkle LA, Kaiser-Bunbury CN, Knight TM, Resasco J, Winfree R, Blüthgen N, Castillo WJ, Vázquez DP (2024). Predicting plant-pollinator interactions: concepts, methods, and challenges. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 39: 494-505. 

Peralta G, Webber CJ, Perry GLW, Stouffer DB, Vázquez DP, Tylianakis JM (2023) Scale- dependent effects of landscape structure on pollinator traits, species interactions and pollination success. Ecography,  e06453  -  Editor's Choice

Timóteo S, Albrecht J, Rumeu B, Norte AC, Traveset A, Frost CM, Marchante E, López-Núñez FA, Peralta G, Memmott J, Olesen JM, Carvalheiro LG, Correia M, Staab M, Blüthgen N, Farwig N, Mironov S, Rodríguez-Echeverría S, Heleno R (2023) Tripartite networks show that keystone species can multitask. Functional Ecology, 37: 274-286.

Vázquez DP, Peralta G, Cagnolo L, Santos M (2022) Ecological interaction networks: what we know, what we don't, and why it matters. Ecologia Austral, 32: 670-697.

Soteras MF, Camps GA, Costas S, Giaquinta A, Peralta G, Cocucci A (2022) Fragility of nocturnal interactions: Pollination intensity increases with distance to light pollution sources but decreases with increasing environmental suitability. Environmental Pollution 292: 118350.

Peralta G, Bertea FMF, Cagnolo L (2021) Rethink roads through the Chaco Serrano forest. Science 374 (6572): 1208-1209.

Evans AM, Peralta G, van Beest FM, Klijzing K, Peltzer DA (2021) Invertebrate communities in adjacent Douglas fir and native beech forests in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 45(2): 3446.

Kotula HJ, Peralta G, Frost CM, Todd JH, Tylianakis JM (2021) Predicting direct and indirect non-target impacts of biocontrol agents using machine-learning approaches. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0252448.

Peralta G, Perry GLW, Vázquez DP, Dehling DM, Tylianakis JM (2020)  Strength of niche processes for species interactions is lower for generalists and exotic species. Journal of Animal Ecology 89(9): 2145-2155. Highly commended paper

Peralta G, Vázquez DP, Chacoff NP, Lomáscolo SB, Perry GLW, Tylianakis JM (2020)  Trait matching and phenological overlap increase the spatio-temporal stability and functionality of plant-pollinator interactions. Ecology Letters 23(7): 1107-1116.

Sapsford S, Brandt A, Kimberley D, Peralta G, Dickie I, Gibson II R, Green J, Hulme P, Nunez M, Orwin K, Pauchard A, Wardle D, Peltzer D (2020) Towards a framework for understanding the context-dependence of the impacts of non-native tree species. Functional Ecology 34(5): 944-955.

Dehling DM,  Peralta G, Bender I, Blendinger PG, Böhning-Gaese K, Muñoz M, Neuschulz EL, Quitián M, Saavedra F, Santillán V, Schleuning M, Stouffer DB (2020) Similar composition of functional roles in Andean seed-dispersal networks, despite high species and interaction turnover. Ecology 101(7) e03028

Peralta G, Dickie IA, Yeates GW, Peltzer DA (2020) Community- and trophic-level responses of soil nematodes to removal of a non-native tree at different stages of invasion. PLoS ONE 15(1): e0227130

Peralta G, Stouffer DB, Bringa EM, Vázquez DP (2020) No such thing as a free lunch: interaction costs and the structure and stability of mutualistic networks. Oikos 129(4):503-511

França FM, Benkwitt CE, Peralta G, Robinson JPW, Graham NAJ, Tylianakis JM, Berenguer E, Lees AC, Ferreira J, Louzada J, Barlow J (2020)  Climatic and local stressor interactions threaten tropical forests and coral reefs. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375: 20190116

Peralta G, Schon NL, Dickie IA, St. John MG, Orwin KH, Yeates GW, Peltzer DA (2019) Contrasting responses of soil nematode communities to native and non-native woody plant expansion. Oecologia 190:891-899

Peralta G, Frost C, Didham R (2018) Plant, herbivore and parasitoid community composition in native Nothofagaceae forests vs. exotic pine plantations. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:1265–1275  -  Blog post  - Highly commended paper

Peralta G, Stevani E, Chacoff N, Dorado J, Vazquez D (2017) Fire influences the structure of plant-bee networks. Journal of Animal Ecology 86: 1372-1379

Peralta G, Frost C, Didham R, Rand T, Tylianakis J (2017) Non-random food-web assembly at habitat edges increases connectivity and functional redundancy. Ecology 98(4): 995-1005

Frost C, Peralta G, Rand T, Didham R, Varsani A, Tylianakis J (2016) Apparent competition drives community-wide parasitism rates and changes in host abundance across ecosystem boundaries. Nature Communications 7: 12644

Rohr RP, Saavedra S, Peralta G, Frost CM, Bersier LF, Bascompte J, Tylianakis JM (2016) Persist or produce: a community trade-off tuned by species evenness. The American Naturalist 188(4): 411-422

Peralta G (2016) Merging evolutionary history into species interaction networks. Functional Ecology 30(12): 1917-1925

Peralta G, Frost CM, Didham RK, Varsani A, Tylianakis JM (2015) Phylogenetic diversity and coevolutionary signals among trophic levels change across a habitat edge gradient. Journal of Animal Ecology 84(2): 364-372

Frost CM, Didham RK, Rand TA, Peralta G, Tylianakis JM (2015) Community-level net spillover of natural enemies from managed to natural forest. Ecology 96(1): 193-202

Peralta G, Frost CM, Rand TA, Didham RK, Tylianakis JM (2014) Complementarity and redundancy of interactions enhance attack rates and spatial stability in host-parasitoid food webs. Ecology 95(7): 1888-1896

Stringer TJ, Korsman JC, Peralta G, Keesing V, Tremblay LA, Glover CN (2012) Effects of environmental gradients on the distribution of harpacticoid copepods in an intertidal flat, Portobello Bay, Otago Harbour, New Zealand. New Zealand Journalof Marine and Freshwater Research 46 (3): 385-397

Peralta G, Fenoglio MS, Salvo A (2011) Physical barriers and corridors in urban habitats affect colonization and parasitism rates of a specialist leaf miner. Ecological Entomology 36 (6):673-679  -  Editor's Choice


Data from: Pollinator intraspecific body size variation and sociality influence their interactions with plants. Peralta G, Resasco J, Worthy S, Frost C, Guevara AT, Manning I, Cagnolo L, Burkle L (2024). ; ; ; ; 

Data from: Tripartite networks show that keystone species can multitask. Timóteo S, Albrecht J, Rumeu B, Norte AC, Traveset A, Frost CM, Marchante E, López-Núñez FA, Peralta G, Memmott J, Olesen JM, Carvalheiro LG, Correia M, Staab M, Blüthgen N, Farwig N, Mironov S, Rodríguez-Echeverría S, Heleno R (2023). Figshare, 

Data from: Scale- dependent effects of landscape structure on pollinator traits, species interactions and pollination success. Peralta G, Webber CJ, Perry GLW, Stouffer DB, Vázquez DP, Tylianakis JM (2023). Dryad Digital Repository, 

Data from: Strength of niche processes for species interactions is lower for generalists and exotic species. Peralta G, Perry GLW, Vázquez DP,  Dehling DM, Tylianakis JM (2020). Figshare, 

Data from: Trait matching and phenological overlap increase the spatio-temporal stability and functionality of plant-pollinator interactions. Peralta G, Vázquez DP, Chacoff NP, Lomáscolo SB, Perry GLW, Tylianakis JM (2020).  Dryad Digital Repository,  

Data from: Climatic and local stressor interactions threaten tropical forests and coral reefs. França FM, Benkwitt CE, Peralta G, Robinson JPW, Graham NAJ, Tylianakis JM, Berenguer E, Lees AC, Ferreira J, Louzada J, Barlow J (2020). Environmental Information Data Centre,  

Data from: Community- and trophic-level responses of soil nematodes to removal of a non-native tree at different stages of invasion. Peralta G, Dickie IA, Yeates GW, Peltzer DA (2020). Manaaki Whenua data repository,

Data from: Plant, herbivore and parasitoid community composition in native Nothofagaceae forests vs. exotic pine plantations. Peralta G, Frost CM, Didham RK (2018). Dryad Digital Repository,

Data from: Fire influences the structure of plant-bee networks. Peralta G, Stevani EL, Chacoff NP, Dorado J, Vázquez DP (2017). Dryad Digital Repository, 

Data from: Persist or produce: a community trade-off tuned by species evenness. Rohr RP, Saavedra S, Peralta G, Frost CM, Bersier L-F, Bascompte J, Tylianakis JM (2016). Dryad Digital Repository, 

Data from: Phylogenetic diversity and coevolutionary signals among trophic levels change across a habitat edge. Peralta G, Frost CM, Didham RK, Varsani A, Tylianakis JM (2014) . Dryad Digital Repository,