
5 April 2024

Lupe visits Ruben Heleno´s group at the University of Coimbra, funded by the Young Professors and Researchers from Latin American Universities Scholarship Programme, from the Coimbra Group.

11 March 2024

Grupo de Interacciones Insecto-Planta seminar. 

28 Oct 2023

Interview with "Mujeres que mueven el mundo" at FM 102.3.

 19 Oct 2023

We participate in the Reunión Argentina de Ecología (RAE) in Bariloche.

Jere presenting his PhD results.

9 Oct 2023

Lupe receives the Premio Estímulo - Área Ciencias Biológicas from the Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales, Argentina. 

11 Sep 2023

Lupe teaches the postgrad course "Introdução às redes ecológicas", offered by the PPGERN program of UFSCar (funded by CAPES-PrInt).

9 Sep 2023

Visiting Itirapina reserve with a fantastic crew from UFSCar: Mari, Carolina, Renato, Cauê and Alexander.

29 July 2023

Mari´s farewell. We will miss you Mari!

7 Feb 2023

Mariana Lopes Campagnoli is visiting us for 6 months. Welcome Mari to the lab!

6 Oct 2022

University of Bristol Ecology group seminar. 

27 Sep 2022

The "Temporal dynamics of interaction networks workshop" at iDiv.

15 Aug 2022

Lupe participates in the "Space Oddity: Thinking about ecological networks across space" Inspire Session at the ESA-CSEE Meeting.

2 Nov 2021

Honorable Mention for the L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science National Award, Young Researcher category, Argentina.

From left to right: Nora Bär (scientific  journalist), Daniel Filmus (Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation), Haydeé Viola (Winner of the L´Oréal-UNESCO "Por las Mujeres en la Ciencia" Award), Ana Sol Peinetti (Winner of the L´Oréal-UNESCO "Por las Mujeres en la Ciencia" Young Researcher category Award), Rocío Meini (Honorable Mention of the L´Oréal-UNESCO "Por las Mujeres en la Ciencia" Young Researcher category) Guadalupe Peralta (Honorable Mention of the L´Oréal-UNESCO "Por las Mujeres en la Ciencia" Young Researcher category), Ana Franchi (President of CONICET),  Jean-Noël Divet (President of L´Oréal), Mariana Petrina (Corporate Affairs, Engagement y Sustainability Director of L’Oréal Argentina), Alicia Dickenstein (Winner of the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Award), Alberto Kornblihtt (CONICET Board Member).

23 Sep 2021

Participating in the 1º Encontro Virtual da Associação Brasileira de Ciência e Conservação Ecológica (RABECO 2021), mesa redonda "Os impactos ecológicos e evolutivos das redes da vida".