Rational Homotopy Theory

An Introduction

The second Marburger Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mathematik - MAM II will take place in Marburg from March 14th to March 18th, 2022.

It will deal with free torus actions and the so-called "Toral Rank Conjecture".  This conjecture was formulated by Steve Halperin, hence it is not surprising that it settles, among others, in the area of Rational Homotopy Theory.

Rational Homotopy Theory is a version of homotopy theory which allows for many practical computations and geometric applications. Not only do these incorporate the mentioned group actions; they range from commutative algebra to Riemannian and symplectic geometry.

As a service to anyone interested in participating in MAM II and wishing to find out more about rational homotopy, or to anyone just curious to take a very first look at the theory, we offer an introductory online mini-seminar consisting of five talks:

If you are interested in attending these seminars, please fill the form you find below. A Zoom link will be made available to the participants.