Published papers:
Linder, A., Nordin, M., Gerdtham, U. G., & Heckley, G. (2023). Grading bias and young adult mental health. Health Economics, 32(3), 675-696. PDF
Heckley, G., Nordin, M., & Gerdtham, U. G. (2022). “The Health Returns of University Eligibility for the Marginally Eligible Student.” Health Economics, forthcoming. PDF
Fischer, M., Heckley, G., Karlsson, M., and Nilsson, T. (2022) “Revisiting Sweden’s Comprehensive School Reform: Effects on Education, Earnings.” Journal of Applied Econometrics. PDF
Fischer, M., Gerdtham, U-G., Heckley, G., Karlsson, M., Kjellsson, G., & Nilsson, T. (2021) “Education and Health: Long-Run Effects of Peers, Tracking and Years.” Economic Policy. PDF
Linder, A., Spika, D., Gerdtham, U. G., Fritzell, S., & Heckley, G. (2020). ”Education, Immigration and Rising Mental Health Inequality in Sweden.” Social Science & Medicine, 113265. PDF
Nordin, M., Heckley, G., & Gerdtham, U. G. (2020). “Impact of a Tertiary Eligibility Threshold on Tertiary Education and Earnings: A Discontinuity Approach.” Economic Inquiry, 58(1), 401-424. PDF
Nordin, M., Heckley, G., & Gerdtham, U. (2019). “The impact of grade inflation on higher education enrolment and earnings.” Economics of Education Review, 73, 101936. PDF
Heckley, G., Jarl, J., Gerdtham, U-G. 2016. Frequency and intensity of alcohol consumption: New evidence from Sweden. European journal of health economics. PDF
Heckley, G., Gerdtham, U. G., & Kjellsson, G. 2016. A general method for decomposing the causes of socioeconomic inequality in health. Journal of health economics, 48, 89-106. PDF
Jarl, J., Heckley, G.A., Brummer, J., Gerdtham, U-G. 2013. Time characteristics of the effect of alcohol cessation on the risk of stomach cancer a meta-analysis. Bmc Public Health, 13. PDF
Heckley, G.A., Jarl, J., Asamoah, B.O., Gerdtham, U-G. How the risk of liver cancer changes after alcohol cessation: a review and meta-analysis of the current literature. BMC Cancer 2011, 11:446 PDF