
  1. Copyright notice The documents distributed here have been provided as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. (borrowed from Dave Plaut)
    2. Pre-prints
  2. K. Garner, M.I. Garrido*, P.E. Dux*. Cognitive capacity limits are remediated by pratice-induced plasticity in a striatal-cortical network.
  3. C. Pernet, M.I. Garrido, A Gramfort, .... A. Puce. Best Practices in Data Analysis and Sharing in Neuroimaging using MEEG.
  4. Taylor, J., Garrido, M.I. (2019). Porthole and Stormcloud: Tools for visualisation of spatiotemporal M/EEG statistics. bioRxiv doi:org/10.1101/534784
  5. McFadyen, J., Smout, C., Tsuchiya, N., Mattingley, J., Garrido, M.I. (2019). Surprising threats accelerate evidence accumulation for conscious perception. bioRxiv
  6. Dietz, M., Nielsen, J., Roepstorff, A., Garrido, M.I. (2017). Dysconnection of right parietal and frontal cortex in neglect syndrome. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/192583
  7. Dzafic, I., Randeniya, R., Garrido, M.I. (2018). Reduced top-down connectivity as an underlying mechanism for psychotic experiences in healthy people. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/296988
  8. J.A. Taylor, K.M. Larsen, I. Dzafic, M.I. Garrido. Predicting Individual Psychotic Experiences on a Continuum using machine learning.


  1. L.K.L. Oestreich*, R. Randeniya*, M.I. Garrido. Auditory prediction errors and auditory white matter microstructure predict psychotic experiences in the healthy population. Brain Structure and Function (accepted 24/09/2019)
  2. L.K.L Oestreich, R. Randenya, M.I. Garrido. (2019) Structural connectivity facilitates functional connectivity of auditory prediction error generation within a fronto-temporal network. NeuroImage 195:454-462. Best paper of the month awarded by University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research.
  3. Larsen, K.M., Morup, M., Birknow, M.R., Fischer, E., Olsen, L., Didriksen, M., Baare, W.F.C., Werge, T.M.,Garrido, M.I*., Siebner, H.R*. Individuals with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome show intact prediction but reduced adaptation in responses to repeated sounds: evidence from Bayesian mapping. Neuroimage: Clinical (accepted 13/02/2019) *equal contribution
  4. Smout, C., Tang, M., Garrido, M.I., Mattingley, M. (2019). Attention Promotes the Neural Encoding of Prediction Errors. PLOS Biology (Accepted)
  5. McFadyen, J., Mattingley, J.,Garrido, M.I. (2019). An afferent white matter pathway from the pulvinar to the amygdala facilitates fear recognition. eLife 8:e40766
  6. Harris, C.D., Rowe, E.G.,Randeniya, R., Garrido, M.I. (2018). Bayesian Model Selection Maps for group studies using M/EEG data.Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12: Article 598
  7. Oestreich, L.K.L., Randenya, R., Garrido, M.I. (2018). White matter connectivity distruptions in the pre-clinical continuum of psychosis: A connectome study. Hum Brain Mapp. 40(2): 529-537
  8. van Heusden, E., Harris, A., Garrido, M., Hogendoorn, H.(2019).Predictive coding of visual motion in both monocular and binocular visual processing. Journal of Vision. 19 (1):3, 1-12
  9. Larsen, K.M., Dzafic, I., Siebner, H.R., Garrido, M. (2018). Alteration of functional brain architecture in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome - Insights into susceptibility for psychosis.NeuroImage 197: 328-336
  10. Oestreich, L., Whitford, T., Garrido, M.I. (2018). Prediction of speech sounds is facilitated by a functional fronto-temporal network. frontiers in Neural Circuits. 12:43
  11. Larsen, K.M., Morup, M., Birknow, M., Fischer, E., Hulme, O., Vangkilde, A., Schmock., H., Baare, W.F.C., Didriksen, M., Olsen, L., Werge, T., Siebner, H.R., Garrido, M.I. (2018). Altered auditory processing and effective connectivity in 22q 11.2 deletion syndrome. Schizophrenia Research. 197: 328-336
  12. Dzafic, I., Burianova, H., Periyasamy, S., Mowry, B. (2018). Association between schizophrenia polygenic risk and neural correlates of emotional perception. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 276:33-40
  13. Cornwell, B., Garrido, M.I. Overstreet, C., Pine, D., Grillon, C.(2017). The un-predictive brain under threat: a neuro-computational account of anxious hypervigilance. Biological Psychiatry. 82: 447-454
  14. Randeniya, R., Oestreich, L., Garrido, M.I. (2018). Sensory prediction errors in the continuum of psychosis. Schizophrenia Research 191: 109-122
  15. Garrido, M.I., Rowe, E., Halasz, V., Mattingley, J. (2017). Bayesian mapping reveals that attention boosts neural responses to predicted and unpredicted stimuli. Cerebral Cortex. 1-12
  16. McFayden, J., Mermillod, M., Mattingley, J., Halasz. V., Garrido, M.I. (2017). A rapid subcortical amygdala route for faces irrespective of spatial frequency and emotion. J. Neurosci 37 (14) 3864-3874
  17. Oestreich, L., Lyall, A., Pasternak, O., Kikinis, Z., Newell., Savadjiev, P., Bouix, S., Shenton, M., Kubicki, M. (2017). Characterizing white matter changes in chronic schizophrenia: A free-water imaging multi-site study. Schizophrenia Research, 189pp:153-161
  18. Taylor, J.A., Matthews, N., Michie, P.T., Rosa, M.J., Garrido, M.I. (2017). Auditory prediction errors as individual biomarkers of schizophrenia. Neuroimage: Clinical. 15:264-273
  19. Sherwell, C., Garrido, M.I. , Cunnington, R. (2016). Timing in predictive coding: The role of task relevance and global probability. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 29 (5): 780-792
  20. Oestreich,L.K.L., Pasternak,O., Shenton, M.E., Kubicki, M., Gong, X., Australian Schizophrenia Research Bank, McCarthy-Jones, S., Whitford, T.J. (2016). Abnormal white matter microstructure and increased extracellular free-water in the cingulul bundle associated with delusions in chronic schizophrenia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 12, pp: 405-414
  21. Roberts, G., Lord, A.,Frankland, A., Wright, A., Lau, P., Levy, F., Lenroot, R.K., Mitchell, P.B., Breakspear, M. (2016). Functional dysconnection of the inferior frontal gyrus in young people with bipolar disorder or at genetic high risk. Biological Psychiatry.
  22. Kaunitz, L.N., Rowe, E.G., Tsuchiya, N. (2016). Large Capacity of Conscious Access for Incidental Memories in Natural Scenes. PsychSci, 27(9) 1266-1277
  23. Garrido, M.I., Teng, C.L.J., Taylor, J., Rowe, E.G. and Mattingley. J.B. (2016). Surprise responses in the human brain demonstrate statistical learning under high concurrent cognitive demand. npj Science of Learning. 1, 16006
  24. Roberts, J.A., Perry, A., Lord, A.R., Roberts, G., Mitchell, P.B., Smith, R.E., Calamante, F. and Breakspear, M. (2016). The contribution of geometry to the human connectome.NeuroImage, 124, pp: 379-393.
  25. Zavitz, E., Yu, H.H., Rowe, E.G., Rosa, M.G. and Price, N.S. (2016). Rapid Adaptation Induces Persistent Biases in Population Codes for Visual Motion. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36(16), pp: 4579-4590.
  26. Cooray.G., Garrido, M.I., Brismar, T., Hyllienmark, L. (2016). The maturation of mismatch negativity networks in normal adolescence. Clinical Neurophysiology 127(1) pp: 520-529
  27. Dürschmid, S., Zaehle, T., Hinrichs, H., Heinze, H., Voges, J., Garrido, M.I. Dolan, R.J., Knight, R. (2016). Sensory deviancy detection measured directly within the Human Nucleus Accumbens. Cerebral Cortex 26 pp: 1168-1175
  28. Litvak, V., Garrido, M.I., Zeidman, P., Friston, K. (2015). Empirical Bayes for Group (DCM) Studies: A Reproducibility Study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
  29. Garrido, M.I. Barnes, G.R., Kumaran, D., Maguire, E.A., Dolan, R.J. (2015). Ventromedial prefrontal cortex drives hippocampal theta oscillations induced by mismatch computations.NeuroImage 120 pp: 362-370.
  30. Poch, C., Garrido, M.I. Igoa, J.M., Belinchon, M., Morales-Morales,I., Campo, P. (2015).Time-varying effective connectivity during visual object naming as a function of semantic demands. Journal of Neuroscience 35(23) pp: 8768-8776
  31. He, W., Garrido, M.I. Sowman, P.F, Brock, J., Johnson, B.W. (2015). Development of effective connectivity in the core network for face perception. Hum. Brain Mapp., 36 pp: 2161–2173
  32. Rosa, M.J., Portugal, L., Hahn, T., Fallgatter, A.J., Garrido, M.I. Shawe-Taylor, J., Mourao-Miranda, J. (2015). Sparse network-based models for patient classification using fMRI.Neuroimage 105 pp: 493 506.
  33. Dietz, M.J., Friston, J.B., Mattingley, J.B., Roepstorff, A., Garrido, M.I. (2014). Effective connectivity reveals right-hemisphere dominance in audiospatial perception: Implications for models of spatial neglect. The Journal of Neuroscience 34 pp: 5003 - 5011. Selected by Australian Life Scientist as some of the best Australian research published in May/June 2014.
  34. Cooray, G.K., Garrido, M.I. Hyllienmark, L., Brismar, T. (2014). A mechaistic model of mismatch negativity in the aging brain. Clinical Neurophysiology 125 (9) pp: 1774 - 1782.
  35. Garvert, M.M., Friston, K.J., Dolan R.J., Garrido, M.I. (2014). Subcortical amygdala pathways enable rapid face processing. Neuroimage 102 Pt 2 pp: 309 -316.
  36. Lieder, F., Stephan, K.E., Daunizeau, J., Garrido, M.I. Friston. (2013). A neurocomputational model of the mismatch negativity. PLoS Computational Biology 9 (11):e1003288.
  37. Garrido, M.I. Sahani, M., Dolan, R.J. (2013). Outlier responses reflect sensitivity to statistical structure in the human brain. PLoS Computational Biology 9 (3) e1002999
  38. Lieder, F., Daunizeau, J., Garrido, M.I. Friston, K.J., Stephan, K.E. (2013). Modelling trial-by-trial changes in the mismatch negativity. PLoS Computational Biology 9(2): e1002911
  39. Campo, P., Garrido, M.I. Moran, R.J., Garcia-Morales, I., Poch, C., Toledano, R., Gil-Nagel, A., Dolan, R., Friston, K. (2013). Network configuration and working memory impairment in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. NeuroImage 72 pp:48-54
  40. Boly, M., Massimini, M., Garrido, M.I. Gosseries, O., Noirhomme, Q., Laureys, S., Soddu, A. (2012). Brain connectivity in disorders of consciousness. Brain Connectivity 2 pp: 1 - 10.
  41. Garrido, M.I. Barnes,G., Sahani, M., Dolan, R. (2012). Functional evidence for a dual route to amygdala. Current Biology 22 pp: 129 - 134.
  42. Garrido, M.I. Brain connectivity: the feeling of blindsight. Current Biology 22: R599 - R600. Invited Dispatch.
  43. Murta, T., Leal, A., Garrido, M.I. Figueiredo, P. (2012). Dynamic causal modelling of epileptic seizure propagation pathways: a combined EEG-fMRI study. NeuroImage 62 pp: 1634 - 1642. Awarded 2nd prize, "Liga Portuguesa contra a Epilepsia" 2013.
  44. Campo, P., Garrido, M.I. Moran, R., Maestu, F., Garcia-Morales, I., Gil-Nagel., A., del Pozo, F., Dolan, R., Friston, K. (2012) Remote effects of hippocampal sclerosis on effective connectivity during working memory encoding: a case of connectional diaschisis? Cerebral Cortex 22 pp: 1225 -1235.
  45. Garrido, M.I. Dolan, R., Sahani, M. (2011). Surprise leads to noiser perceptual decisions. iPerception 2 pp: 112 - 120.
  46. Boly, M., Garrido, M.I. Gosseries, O., Bruno, M.A., Schnakers, C., Massimini, M., Litvak, V., Laureys, S., Friston, K. (2011). Preserved feedforward but impaired top-down processes in the vegetative state. Science 332 pp: 858 - 862. (Recommended in Faculty of 1000, article factor of 8 (must read) and 6 (recommended)). (see also: G. Miller (2011) Feedback From Frontal Cortex May Be a Signature of Consciousness. Science 332:779; J.R.King, T. Bekinschtein, S.M.Dehaene (2011) Comment on "Preserved feedforward but impaired top-down processesin the vegetative state". Science 334: 1203; L. Welberg (2011). Auditory processing: sounding out consciousness. Nat Rev Neurosci 12: 369)
  47. Garrido, M.I. Kilner, J.M., Kiebel, S.J., Friston, K.J. (2009). Dynamic causal modelling of the response to frequency deviants. Journal of Neurophysiology 101 pp: 2620- 2631.
  48. Garrido, M.I. Kilner, J.M., Stephan, K.E., Friston, K.J. (2009). The mismatch negativity: a review of the underlying mechanisms. Invited review. Clinical Neurophysiology 120 pp: 453 - 463. Issue cover.
  49. Kiebel, S.J., Garrido, M.I. Moran, R.J., Chen, C.C., Friston, K.J. (2009). Dynamic causal modelling for EEG and MEG. Review. Human Brain Mapping 30 pp: 1866 - 1876.
  50. Garrido, M.I. Kilner, J.M., Kiebel, S.J., Stephan, K.E., Baldeweg, T., Friston, K.J. (2009). Repetition suppression and cortico-cortical plasticity in the human brain. NeuroImage 48 pp: 269 - 279.
  51. Garrido, M.I. Friston, K.J, Kiebel, S.J., Stephan, K.E., Baldeweg, T., Kilner, J.M. (2008). The functional anatomy of the MMN: A DCM study of the roving paradigm. NeuroImage 42 pp: 936 - 944.
  52. Kiebel, S.J., Garrido, M.I. Moran, R.J., Friston, K.J. (2008). Dynamic causal modelling for EEG and MEG. Cogn Neurodyn 2 pp: 121 - 136.
  53. Garrido, M.I. Kilner, J.M., Kiebel, S.J., Friston, K.J. (2007). Evoked brain responses are generated by feedback loops. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 104 pp: 20961 - 20966.
  54. Garrido, M.I. Kilner, J.M., Kiebel, S.J., Stephan, K.E., Friston, K.J. (2007). Dynamic causal modelling of evoked potentials: A reproducibility study. NeuroImage 36 pp: 571 - 580.
  55. Kiebel, S.J., Garrido, M.I. Friston, K.J. (2007). Dynamic causal modelling of evoked responses: The role of intrinsic connections. NeuroImage 36 pp: 332 -345.
  56. Kiebel, S.J., Garrido, M.I. Friston, K.J. (2010). Analysing functional and effective connectivity with EEG and MEG. In: Simultaneous EEG and fMRI: Recording, Analysis and Application. Markus Ullsperger & Stefan Deneber. Oxford University Press. Chapter 3.8 pp: 235 - 249.
  57. Kiebel, S.J., Garrido, M.I. Friston, K.J. (2009). Dynamic causal modelling for evoked responses. In: Brain signal analysis: Advances in neurelectric and neuromagnetic methods. Todd Handy, The MIT Press. Chapter 6 pp: 141 - 169.
  58. Friston, K., Kiebel, S., Garrido, M.I. David, O. (2007). Dynamic casual models for EEG. In: Statistical Parametric Mapping 2007. Eds: K. Friston, J. Ashburner, S. Kiebel, T. Nichols, W. Penny. Academic Press. Chapter 42 pp: 561 - 576.