
News in the media relating to our research and researchers.

Examining the brain under threat.

The Brain Dialogue - discovery


A computer program could provide an objective diagnosis for schizophrenia.

The Brain Dialogue - discovery


The brain has a shortcut for quickly identifying threatening images.

The Brain Dialogue - Discovery


Source: A Grey Matter

Top minds challenge students.

Westside News June 15, 2016.

(Image credit: Richard Walker)

(image credit: Richard Walker)

New super computer at Monash University

simplifies science into pictures.

Australian Financial Review Feb 28, 2016.

(source: Financial Review)

Research lays foundation for brain

damage study.

Queensland Brain Institute, QBI June 6, 2014.

Test measures spark of consciousness.

Nature News, May 12, 2011.


1. Boly, M., et al. Science 332, 858 - 862 (2011).

2. Schnakers, C., et al. BMC Neurol 9, 35 (2009).

Auditory Processing: Sounding out consciousness.

Nature Reviews Neuroscience AOP, June 2, 2011

Sound test might signal minimal consciousness.

Wired, Science News, May 13, 2011.

Researchers identify 'Signature of Consciousness'

in Brain Damaged Patients.

Planet Save, July 8, 2011.

(Source: Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS);


In French

Conscient ou pas?

Le Generaliste May 19, 2011.

Paternite belege pour un test de conscience.

L'Avenir, May 13, 2011.

Coma: une signature neuronale.

Le Soir, May 13, 2011.

In Spanish

Las conexiones neuronales marcan la differencia

entre el estado vegetativo y el de minima conciencia.

Agencia Sinc, May 12, 2011.

In Portuguese

Equipa com portuguesa faz descoberta cerebro pessoas em coma.

Diario Digital, May 12, 2011.

Limite da vida.

Correio Braziliense, May 15, 2011.