Bomberman Fantasy Race NTSC-U


8003F89C 0C00

8003F89E 2405

Autopress Start on Title Screen

800225F6 2400

Skip Hudson Logo

800B2ED6 2400

Have Infinite Money to Buy Tickets

8001EE9C 7FFF

8001EE9E 2402

Bomber Coaster Lake Ticket is Free

80011044 0000

Star Express Ticket is Free

80011050 0000

Bakuzan Ski Course Ticket is Free

8001104C 0000

Dyna Mountain Ticket is Free

80011054 0000

Wacca Beach Island Ticket is Free

80011048 0000

Free Bomber Castle

80011078 0000

Freeze Lap Times

8003BB1A 2400

Skip FMVs

800B35F6 2400

Power Bombs are Free

8002F120 0000

Line Bombs are Free

8002F122 0000

Remote Control Bombs are Free

8002F124 0000

Rocket Bombs are Free

8002F126 0000

Power Gloves are Free

8002F128 0000

Wings are Free

8002F12A 0000

Roller Shoes are Free

8002F12C 0000

Power Vests are Free

8002F12E 0000

Hearts are Free

8002F130 0000

Mini Hearts are Free

8002F132 0000

Always Accelerating

80051B1E 2400

Always Dashing when Accelerating

80050E02 2400

Dash without Stamina

80050E12 2400

80051A06 1000

Hopping Louie is Free

800118E8 0000

Tri-Louie is Free

800118EC 0000

Soaring Louie is Free

800118F0 0000

Hyper Louie is Free

800118F4 0000

Brave Tirra is Free

80011900 0000

Flying Tirra is Free

80011904 0000

Mighty Tirra is Free

80011908 0000

Super Tirra is Free

8001190C 0000

Mute Sound Effects

80040E24 0008

80040E26 03E0

80040E2A 2400

Cross Start Line Early

8005573E 2400

8005574E 1000

Freeze Bonus Round Timer

8003BB42 2400

Always Finish in First

8006486E 2663

Results Screen Player Order Fucked Up.

Collect Bonus Round Coins from Further Away

800825B6 2400

Unlock All Tracks

8001E872 2400

8001E886 2400

Hide Track Prices

8001FF3C 00FD

All Tracks Purchased

8001EE72 3463

Walk Earlier in Countdown

80050A62 1000

Hide Ready Set Go Lights

800A376C 0136

800A376E 2404

Mute Ready Set Go Lights

800A3636 1000

Timer Runs in Race Starting Sequence

8003BAD2 2400

Diable Wrong Way Warning

81064C2A 1000