

Battiston, P., Gamba, S., Santoro A. (2024) “Machine Learning and the Optimization of Prediction-Based Policies”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 199. 

Gamba, S., Jakobbson, N., Svensson, M. (2022) “The Impact of Cost-Sharing on Prescription Drug Demand: Evidence from a Double-Difference Regression Kink Design”, The European Journal of Health Economics.

Gamba, S., Magazzini, L., Pertile, P. (2021) “R&D and market size: who benefits from orphan drug regulation?”, Journal of Health Economics, 80, 102522. 

Battiston, P., Gamba, S., Rizzolli, M., Rotondi, V. (2021) “Lies have long legs. Cheating, public scrutiny and loyalty in teams”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 94, 101732. 

Florio, M., Gamba, S. (2021) “Biomed Europa: after the coronavirus, a public infrastructure to overcome the pharmaceutical oligopoly”, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 92(3): 387-409. 

Battiston, P., Gamba, S. (2021) “COVID-19: R0 is lower where outbreak is larger”, Health Policy, 125(2): 141-147.   

Gamba, S., Pertile, P., Vogler, S. (2020) “The impact of managed entry agreements on pharmaceutical prices”, Health Economics, 29(S1): 47-62.

Battiston, P., Gamba, S. (2020) “When the two ends meet: an experiment on cooperation and social capital”, Economia Politica, 37: 911-940.

Battiston, P., Duncan, D., Gamba, S., Santoro, A. (2020) “Audit publicity and tax compliance: a natural experiment”, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 122(1): 81-108.

Gamba S. (2017) “The effect of Intellectual Property Rights on domestic innovation in the pharmaceutical sector”, World Development, 99: 15-27.

Battiston, P., Gamba, S. (2016) “The impact of social pressure on tax compliance: A field experiment”, International Review of Law and Economics, 46: 78-85.

Altomonte, C., Gamba, S., Mancusi, M.L., Vezzulli, A. (2016) "R&D investments, Financing Constraints, Exporting and Productivity", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 25(3): 283-303.


Battiston, P., Gamba, S., Rotondi, V. (2019) “What does a young cheater look like? An innovative approach” in A. Bucciol and N. Montinari, “Dishonesty in Behavioral Economics”, Elsevier, Academic Press.

Canzian, G., Gamba, S., Rettore, E., Schizzerotto, A.,  Schüller, S. (2015) “Un’analisi degli effetti di alcune politiche industriali attuate dalla Provincia autonoma di Trento” in A. Schizzerotto et al., Rapporto sulla Situazione Economica e Sociale del Trentino.

D’Almeida, C., Camara, M., Essi M.J., Gamba, S., Coriat, B. (2010) "L’expérience camerounaise d’accès aux thérapies de seconde ligne" [The Cameroon experience in the access of second line treatments] in F. Eboko, C. Abé and C. Laurent, “Accès décentralisé au traitement du VIH/SIDA: Evaluation de l’expérience camerounaise”, Éditions EDK - ANRS Collection Sciences Socials, Paris.


Gamba, S., Magazzini, L., Pertile, P. (2023) “Improving public access to medicines and promoting pharmaceutical innovation. European pharmaceutical research and development. Could a public infrastructure overcome market failures?”, European Parliament Study: Panel for Future of Science and Technology, STOA.

Florio, M., Gamba, S., Pancotti, C. (2023) “Mapping of long-term public and private investments in the development of Covid-19 vaccines.”, European Parliament Study: Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies: Directorate-General for Internal Policies.

Canzian, G., Gamba, S., Rettore, E., Schizzerotto, A.,  Schüller, S. (2015) “Un’analisi degli effetti di alcune politiche industriali attuate dalla Provincia autonoma di Trento” in A. Schizzerotto et al., Rapporto sulla Situazione Economica e Sociale del Trentino.


“Spillovers of Pharmaceutical Price Regulations: evidence from the AMNOG   Reform in Germany” (with P. Pertile and G. Righetti), Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers 22/20, University of York, 2022. 

“Free-Riding in Pharmaceutical Price Regulation: Theory and Evidence” (with P. Pertile and M. Forster), University of York Discussion Papers in Economics 18/04, 2018. Under review.

“What exactly is public in a public good game? A lab-in-the-field experiment” (with P. Battiston, M. Rizzolli and V. Rotondi), Dondena Working Papers 125, 2018. Under review.