This is me

I am an tenure-track Assistant Professor (Ricercatore RTDb) at Università degli Studi di Milano, Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods.

I obtained my Ph.D. in economics from DEFAP (Graduate School in Public Economics), Catholic University of Milan, in 2015. I hold a bachelor's degree in Management of Public Administration and International Institutions from Bocconi University and a master in Economics of International Development from the "Institut d’études politiques" (Sciences Po), Paris.

My main areas of scientific interest include innovation, global and cross-national politics of Intellectual Property Rights, public health and public finance.

I worked as Assistant Professor at the Catholic University, and as a research fellow at the University of Verona, where I focused on several projects concerning public health. Previously, I worked as a research fellow at FBK-IRVAPP (Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies), in Trento, where I was in charge of the analysis of industrial policies. Before that, I was research assistant at IMT (Institute for Advances Studies of Lucca), where I focused on innovation and localization choices, and at Bocconi University.

Currently, I am lecturer for the course of Microeconomics (Università degli Studi di Milano). I previously worked as lecturer for the course of Microeconomics (Catholic University) and Public Finance (University of Verona) and as teaching assistant for the course of Microeconomics (University of Milan), Public Finance (Bocconi University), Labour Economics (Catholic University).