Refereed Papers:
29. The Gas Content and Stripping of Local Group Dwarf Galaxies, Putman, M., Zheng, Y., Price-Whelan, A., Grcevich, J., Johnson, A., Tollerud, E., Peek, J. 2021, ApJ, 913, 53
28. Revealing the Milky Way's Hidden Circumgalactic Medium with the COS Quasar Database for Galactic Absorption Lines, Zheng, Y., Peek, J., Putman, M., Werk, J. 2019, ApJ, 871, 35 (Zheng et al. examined the disk-halo interface of the Milky Way and provides a resource to the community of ~200 HST/COS absorption line sightlines with the HI emission spectra from GALFA-HI and other HI surveys.)
27. The GALFA-HI Survey Data Release 2, Peek et al. 2018, ApJS, 234, 2 (This paper releases the GALFA-HI DR2 data to the public and describes the updates to the data reduction and the steps to produce the final data cubes.)
26. A Correlated Search for Local Dwarf Galaxies in GALFA-HI and Pan-STARRS, DeFilippis, D., Putman, M., Tollerud, E. 2019, ApJ, 879, 22 (DeFilippis searched the GALFA-HI DR2 data for new dwarf galaxies. Discrete, compact HI objects with dwarf-like properties were cataloged and PanSTARRS data were examined for an optical counterpart. Limits are set on the number of Leo T like dwarf galaxies and a new galaxy is found in the Galactic Plane.)
25. The Discovery and Origin of a Very-High Velocity Cloud toward M33, Zheng, Y., Werk, J., Peek, J., Putman, M. 2017, ApJ, 840, 65 (An ionized gas cloud is found towards M33 and the surrounding HI emission is mapped with GALFA-HI data. The entire gaseous feature may be a large interaction remnant.)
24. HST/COS Observations of Ionized Gas Accretion at the Disk-Halo Interface of M33, Zheng, Y., Peek, J., Werk, J., Putman, M., 2017, ApJ, 834, 179 (The discovery of gas accretion onto the spiral galaxy M33 through a comparison of the HI emission data and the COS absorption spectra for individual stars in its disk. This is one of the few clear pieces of evidence for infall beyond the Milky Way.)
23. Neutral Hydrogen Structures Trace Dust Polarization Angle: Implications for Cosmic Microwave Background Foregrounds, Clark, S.E., Hill, C.J., Peek, J.E.G, Putman, M., Babler, B. 2015, Physical Review Letters, 115, 24 (Clark et al. used the HI filaments found in the GALFA-HI data with the 2D RHT finder to assess the orientation of the Galactic magnetic field for use in removing the foregrounds in CMB observations.)
22. Finding Gas-rich Dwarf Galaxies Betrayed by their Ultraviolet Emission, Donovan-Meyer, J.D., Peek, J., Putman, M.E., Grcevich, J. 2015, ApJ, 808, 136 (This paper examines potential nearby HI galaxies identified by GALFA-HI and ALFALFA with archival GALEX data.)
21. Two Local Volume Dwarf Galaxies Discovered in 21-cm Emission: Pisces A and B, Tollerud, E., Geha, M., Grcevich, J., Putman, M., Stern, D. 2015, ApJ, 798, 21 (This paper presents the discovery of two dwarf galaxies via their HI emission in the GALFA-HI data cubes.)
20. Saul, D., Peek, J., Putman, M. 2014, "Dust-to-gas ratios of the GALFA-HI Compact Cloud Catalog", MNRAS, 441, 2266
19. Clark, S.E., Peek, J.E.G., Putman, M.E. 2013, "Magnetized HI Fibers and the Rolling Hough Transform", ApJ, 789, 82
18. Min-Young Lee, Snezana Stanimirovic, Mark G. Wolfire, Rahul Shetty, Simon C. O. Glover, Faviola Z. Molina, Ralf S. Klessen, 2013, "The X-factor across the Perseus Molecular Cloud", accepted by ApJ
17. Nickolas Pingel, Snezana Stanimirovic, Min-Young Lee, J.E.G Peek, Alex Lazarian, Blakesley Burkhart, Ayesha Begum, Kevin A. Douglas, Carl Heiles, Steven J. Gibson, Jana Grcevich, Eric J. Korpela, Allen Lawrence, Claire Murray, Mary E. Putman, Destry Saul, 2013, "Characterizing the Turbulent Properties of the Starless Molecular Cloud MBM16", ApJ, 779, 36
16. Saul, D., Peek, J.E.G., Grcevich, J., Putman, M., Douglas, K., Korpela, E., Stanimirovic, S., Heiles, C., Gibson, S., Lee, M., Begum, A., Brown, A., Burkhart, B., Hamden, E., Pingel, N., Tonneson, S., "The GALFA-HI Compact Cloud Catalog", 2012, ApJ, 758, 44
15. Lee, M.-Y., Stanimirovic, S., Douglas, K. A., Knee, L. B. G., Di Francesco, J., Gibson, S. J., Begum, A., Grcevich, J., Heiles, C., Korpela, E. J., Leroy, A. K., Peek, J. E. G., Pingel, N., Putman, M. E., Saul, D. "A High Resolution Study of the HI-H2 Transition across the Perseus Molecular Cloud", 2012, ApJ, 748, 75
14. Peek, J. E. G., Heiles, C., Peek, K., Meyer, D., Lauroesch, J. 2011, "The Local Leo Cold Cloud and New Limits on a Local Hot Bubble", 2011, ApJ, 735, 129
13. Peek, J. E. G., Heiles, C., Douglas, K. A., Lee, M.-Y., Grcevich, J., Stanimirovic, S., Putman, M. E., Korpela, E. J., Gibson, S. J., Begum, A., Saul, D., Robishaw, T., Krco, M. 2011 "The GALFA-HI Survey: Data Release 1", 2011, ApJS, 194, 20
12. Stanimirovic, S. 2010, "Galaxy evolution begins at home: GALFA, EVLA, and GASKAP", 2010, Proceedings of Science, accepted
11. Begum, A., Stanimirovic, S., Peek, J. E. G., Ballering, N., Heiles, C., Douglas, K., Putman, M. E., Gibson, S., Grcevich, J. Korpela, E. J., Lee, M.-Y., Saul, D., Gallagher III, J. S. 2010, "Compact HI Clouds from the GALFA-HI Survey", ApJ, 722, 395
10. Hsu, W.-H., Putman, M. E., Heitsch, F., Stanimirovic, S., Peek, J. E. G., Clark, S.E. 2010, "Physical Properties of Complex C Halo Clouds", AJ, 141, 57
9. Burkhart, B., Stanimirovic, S., Lazarian, A., Kowal, G. 2010, "Characterizing Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in the Small Magellanic Cloud", ApJ, 708, 120
8. Chepurnov, A., Lazarian, A., Stanimirovic, S., Heiles, C., Peek, J. E. G. 2010, "Velocity spectrum for HI at high latitudes", ApJ, 714, 1398
7. Putman, M. E., Peek, J. E. G., Muratov, A., Gnedin, O. Y., Hsu, W., Douglas, K. A., Heiles, C., Stanimirovic, S., Korpela, E. J., & Gibson, S. J. 2009, "The Disruption and Fueling of M33", ApJ, 703, 1486
6. van Loon, J. Th., Stanimirovic, S., Putman, M. E., Peek, J. E. G., Gibson, S. J., Douglas, K. A., & Korpela, E. J. 2009, “A Peculiar HI Cloud near the Distant Globular Cluster Pal14”, MNRAS, 396, 1096
5. Peek, J. E. G., Heiles, C., Putman, M. E., & Douglas, K. A. 2009, “Low-Velocity Halo Clouds”, ApJ, 692, 827
4. Stanimirovic, S., Hoffman, S., Heiles, C., Douglas, K. A., Putman, M. E., Peek, J. E. G. 2008, "The Many Streams of the Magellanic Stream", ApJ, 680, 276
3. Peek, J. E. G., Putman, M. E., McKee, C. F., Heiles, C., & Stanimirovic, S. 2007, "Reconstructing Deconstruction: High-Velocity Cloud Distance through Disruption Morphology", ApJ, 656, 907
2. Heiles, C. 2007, "A New Technique for Heterodyne Spectroscopy: Least-Squares Frequency Switching (LSFS)", PASP, 119, 643
1. Stanimirovic, S., Putman, M. E., Heiles, C., Peek, J. E. G., Goldsmith, P. F., Koo, B.-C., Krco, M., Lee, J.-J., Mock, J., Muller, E., Pandian, J. D., Parsons, A., Tang, Y., & Werthimer, D. 2006, "First Results from the Arecibo Galactic HI Survey: The Disk/Halo Interface Region in the Outer Galaxy'', ApJ, 653, 1210
Refereed papers from group providing predictions for GALFA-HI (incomplete):
3. Peek, J. E. G., Sommer-Larsen, J. & Putman, M. E. 2008, “Ongoing Galactic Accretion: Simulations and Observations of Condensed Gas in Hot Halos”, ApJ, 674, 227
2. Heitsch, F. & Putman, M. 2009, ``The Fate of High-Velocity Clouds: Warm or Cold Cosmic Rain?", ApJ, 698, 1485
1. Grcevich, J. & Putman, M. 2009, ``H I in Local Group Dwarf Galaxies and Stripping by the Galactic Halo", ApJ, 696, 385
Conference Proceedings and Abstracts (incomplete):
31-36. January 2011 AAS Poster abstracts are here.
30. Putman, M., Joung, M., Grcevich, J. & Heitsch, F. 2010, "The Gaseous Halo Mask", to appear in "Galaxies and their Masks" eds. Block, D.L., Freeman, K.C. & Puerari, I., 2010, Springer (New York)
29. Gibson, S. J. 2010, "Cold Atomic Gas in the CGPS and Beyond", Proceedings of the Conference "The Dynamic ISM: A Celebration of the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey", ASP Conference Series arXiv:1009.0966
28. Begum, A., Stanimirovic, S., Peek, J. E. G., Ballering, N., Heiles, C., Douglas, K., Putman, M. E., Gibson, S., Grcevich, J. Korpela, E. J., Lee, M.-Y., Saul, D., Gallagher III, J. S. 2010, " Galactic Small Scale Structure Revealed by the GALFA-HI Survey", Proceeding for the Conference "The Dynamic ISM: A celebration of the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey," ASP Conference Series arXiv:1008.3185
27. Auerswald, D., & Kang, J.-H. 2010, "An I-GALFA Study of Supernova Remnant G54.4-0.3 (HC40)", American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #215, #454.09
26. Peek, J. E. G., & Graves, G. J. 2010, "Galaxies as Standard Crayons: Measuring Galactic Reddening with Background Passive Galaxies", American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #215, #413.04
25. Koo, B.-C., Gibson, S. J., Kang, J.-H., Douglas, K. A., Park, G., Peek, J. E. G., Korpela, E. J., Heiles, C. E., & Bania, T. M. 2009, "I-GALFA: The Inner-Galaxy ALFA Low-Latitude H I Survey", Proceeding for the IAU 2009 Special Session "The Galactic Plane - in Depth and Across the Spectrum"
24. Begum, A., Ballering, N., Stanimirovic, S., Douglas, K. A., Gibson, S. J., Grcevich, J., Helies, C., Korpela, E. J., Lee, M.-Y., Peek, J. E. G., & Putman, M. E. 2009, "Results from the Arecibo Galactic HI Survey (GALFA-HI)", American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #214, #600.05, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 41
23. Putman, M. E., Peek, J. E. G., & Heitsch, F. 2009, “The Accretion of Fuel at the Disk-Halo Interface”, Invited Review for the Conference “The Role of the Disk-Halo Interaction in Galaxy Evolution: Outflow vs. Infall?”, Edited by M. A. de Avillez, European Astronomical Society Publications, 2009, In press
22. Stanimirovic, S., Hoffman, S., Heiles, C., Douglas, K. A. Putman, M. E., & Peek, J. E. G. 2009, “The Many Streams of the Magellanic Stream”, Proceeding for IAU Symposium 256 “The Magellanic System: Stars, Gas, and Galaxies”, Edited by J. Th. van Loon and J. M. Oliveira, Volume 256, p.129
21. Peek, J. E. G. 2009, “New Frontiers in High-Velocity Clouds”, American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #213, #360.03, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 41, p.509
20. Kang, J.-H. 2009, “Neutral Atomic Hydrogen Gas at Forbidden Velocities in the Galactic Plane”, American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #213, #324.03, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 41, p.380
19. Peek, J. E. G. & Heiles, C. 2009, “The GALFA-HI Survey: Techniques” arXiv:0810.1283
18. Putman, M. E., Grcevich, J., & Peek, J. E. G. 2008, “Fuel for Galactic Disks”, Proceeding for the Conference “Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks”, Edited by J. G. Funes, S. J., and E. M. Corsini, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2008, p.233
17. Gibson, S. J., Douglas, K. A., Heiles, C., Korpela, E. J., Peek, J. E. G., Putman, M. E., & Stanimirovic, S. 2008, “Mapping Hydrogen in the Galaxy, Galaxy Halo, and Local Group with ALFA: The GALFA-HI Survey Starting with TOGS”, Proceeding for the Conference “The Evolution of Galaxies through the Neutral Hydrogen Window”, 2008, Volume 1035, p.249 arXiv:0805.0017
16. Grcevich, J., Putman, M. E., & Peek, J. E. G. 2008, “HI in Local Group Dwarf Galaxies”, Proceeding for the Conference “The Evolution of Galaxies through the Neutral Hydrogen Window”, 2008, Volume 1035, p.159
15. Putman, M. E., Grcevich, J., & Peek, J. E. G. 2008, “Feeding Galaxies”, Proceeding for the Conference “The Evolution of Galaxies through the Neutral Hydrogen Window”, 2008, Volume 1035, p.141
14. Peek, J. E. G., Stanimirovic, S., Putman, M. E., Heiles, C., Douglas, K. A., Korpela, E. J., & Gibson, S. J. 2008, “Maps of the Galaxy in HI with GALFA”, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceeding for the Conference “Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies”, p.324
13. Gibson, S. J., Korpela, E. J., Stanimirovic, S., Heiles, C., Douglas, K. A., Peek, J. E. G., & Putman, M. E. 2007, “A Sharper View of MBM 53-55 in GALFA HI Emission”, American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #211, #139.18, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 39, p.988
12. Stanimirovic, S., Hoffman, S., Heiles, C., Douglas, K. A., Putman, M. E., & Peek, J. E. G. 2007, "How Far Is The Tip Of The Magellanic Stream?", American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #211, #139.17, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 39, p.988
11. Hoffman, S., Stanimirovic, S., Heiles, C., Douglas, K. A., Putman, M. E., & Peek, J. E. G. 2007, “The Many Streams of the Magellanic Stream”, American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #211, #139.04, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 39, p.985
10. Grcevich, J., Putman, M. E., & Peek, J. E. G. 2007, “HI in Local Group Dwarf Galaxies”, American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #211, #95.07, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 39, p.895
9. Peek, J. E. G., Putman, M. E., Sommer-Larsen, J., Heiles, C., Stanimirovic, S., Douglas, K. A., Gibson, S. J., & Korpela, E. J. 2007, “Hidden Galactic Accretion: The Discovery of Low-Velocity Halo Clouds”, American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #211, #14.08, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 39, p.760
8. Putman, M. E., Peek, J. E. G., Douglas, K. A., Heiles, C., Gibson, S. J., Korpela, E. J., & Stanimirovic, S. 2007, “Halo Gas of M33”, American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #211, #13.14, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 39, p.757
7. Stanimirovic, S. 2006, “Recent Results from GALFA: ‘GoldenEye’ on Disk/Halo Interfaces”, American Astronomical Society Meeting 208, #34.02, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 38, p.110
6. Heiles, C. 2006, “Mapping HI and B at Hat Creek … and Beyond”, Proceeding for the ASP Conference Series “Revealing the Molecular Universe: One Antenna is Never Enough”, Edited by D. C. Backer, J. W. Moran, and J. L. Turner, San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2006, Volume 356, p.99
5. Goldston, J. E., & GALFA-HI Collaboration, 2005, “GALFA-HI: The First 1000 Square Degrees”, American Astronomical Society Meeting 207, #192.06, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 37, p.1489
4. Goldston, J. E. 2004, "Optimized Mapping Modes and Algorithms for ALFA", American Astronomical Society Meeting 205, #78.08, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 36, p.1476
3. Heiles, C., Goldston, J. E., Mock, J., Parsons, A., Stanimirovic, S., & Werthimer, D. 2004, “GALFA Hardware and Calibration Techniques”, American Astronomical Society Meeting 205, #78.07, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 36, p.1476
2. Putman, M. E. 2004, “ALFA and HVCs: If Jodie Foster Knew What She Could Discover Now…”, American Astronomical Society Meeting 205, #78.04, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 36, p.1475
1. Stanimirovic, S. 2004, “A New Era of Galactic HI Science with ALFA”, American Astronomical Society Meeting 205, #78.02, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Volume 36, p.1475
Ph.D Dissertations:
7. Zheng, Y. 2018,
6. Clark, S.E., 2017, "Magnetic Fields in the Interstellar Medium"
5. Elijah Bernstein-Cooper, UW-Madison
4. Saul, D., 2013 "Compact Neutral Hydrogen Clouds in the GALFA-HI Survey", Columbia University
3. Lee, M.-Y. 2013, "High resolution study of the HI-H2 transition across the Perseus molecular cloud", UW-Madison
2. Grcevich, J. 2012, "Neutral Hydrogen in Local Group Dwarf Galaxies", Columbia University
1. Peek, J. E. G. 2008, “High-Velocity Clouds and the Galactic Arecibo L-band Feed Array Survey in HI”, UC-Berkeley
Page Last Updated 11/30/13