Data are now available from Data Release 1 (Peek et al. 2011) and 2 (Peek et al. 2018). These data can be obtained in multiple formats here.
The M33 data cube from Putman et al. (2009) can be found here .
It is a major goal of the GALFA-HI Survey team to provide data cubes to the astronomy community.
The survey is split up into 225 data regions (5 in Dec by 45 in RA) with some overlap. Each region is 512 arcminutes (8 8/15 degrees) on a side, oriented along small-circle RA and Dec. Each region has three data products: A 'wide' band cube with 0.74 km/s resolution from about -650 to 650 km/s V(LSR), a 'narrow' band cube with 0.18 km/s resolution from -190 to +190 km/s and 512 individual dec slices, stepped in RA, with 0.18 km/s resolution from -650 to 650 V(LSR). The layout on the sky is as shown below:
The below plot shows the fractional area of each tile that has been observed by at least one observing mode for DR1, while DR2 covers the entire area shown. In some regions DR1 is deeper than DR2 due to the combined commensal data used.
The below figure shows the LAB HI survey (0.6 deg resolution; Kalberla et al. 2005) with the entire Arecibo sky included in the GALFA-HI Survey within the red lines. The sky covered by the observations commensal with ALFALFA is shown by the dark blue boxes and the observations commensal with AGES are shown by the light blue boxes. The entire Arecibo sky will be covered by the observations commensal with GALFACTS.