1. Publications/ 論文

List of publications



In press/To appear

熊谷学而.「書評: 窪薗晴夫(2023)『一般言語学から見た日本語の語形成と音韻構造』くろしお出版 日本語の研究』日本語学会.

● 熊谷学而.「最適性理論:重みづけによる発展型

● Kawahara, Shigeto & Gakuji Kumagai. The non-local nature of Lyman's Law revisited. Laboratory Phonology. [data] [lingbuzz]

Kumagai, Gakuji. EXPRESS[p] in expressive phonology: Analysis of a nicknaming pattern using ‘princess’ in Japanese. Phonology. [data] [lingbuzz


文昶允・熊谷学而. 2024.「複合語短縮における重音節の連続の回避についての検証『音韻研究』27. pp.35-42. 東京: 開拓社. [data]

(Moon, Changyun & Gakuji Kumagai. 2024. Exploring avoidance of consecutive heavy syllables in Japanese clipped compounds. Phonological Studies 27. pp.35-42. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.)


Kumagai, Gakuji, Naoya Watabe & Shigeto Kawahara. 2023. How Russian speakers express evolution in Pokémon names II: The effects of contrastive palatalization and name length. Onsei Kenkyu [Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan] 27. pp.64-72. [data] https://doi.org/10.24467/onseikenkyu.27.2_64 

● 熊谷学而・川原繁人. 2023.「音韻・形態構造およびアクセントの音象徴:赤ちゃん用オムツの名前を題材とした事例研究」『音声研究』26. pp.97-108. 日本音声学会. [data] https://doi.org/10.24467/onseikenkyu.26.3_97

(Kumagai, Gakuji & Shigeto Kawahara. 2023. Sound symbolic values of phonological/ morphological structures and accentedness: A case study of Japanese baby diaper names. Onsei Kenkyu [Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan] 26. pp.97-108. https://doi.org/10.24467/onseikenkyu.26.3_97)

Kawahara, Shigeto & Gakuji Kumagai. 2023. Lyman’s Law can count only up to two. Laboratory Phonology 14(1). pp.1-27. https://doi.org/10.16995/labphon.9335 [data] [lingbuzz]

Kawahara, Shigeto & Gakuji Kumagai. 2023. Rendaku is not blocked by two nasal consonants: A reply to Kim (2022). Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 8(1). pp.1-16. https://doi.org/10.16995/glossa.9550 [data] [lingbuzz]


Kumagai, Gakuji. 2022. What’s in a Japanese kawaii ‘cute’ name? A linguistic perspective. Frontiers in Psychology 13. no.1040415. [data] https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1040415 

Kumagai, Gakuji & Shigeto Kawahara. 2022. How Russian speakers express evolution in Pokémon names: An experimental study with nonce words. Linguistics Vanguard 8(1). pp.1527. [data] [paper] https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2021-0101

Kumagai, Gakuji, Ryoko Uno & Kazuko Shinohara. 2022. The sound-symbolic effects of consonants on food texture: An experimental study of snack names in Japanese. In Kiyoko Toratani (ed.) The language of food in Japanese: Cognitive perspectives and beyond (Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research), pp.79110. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/celcr.25.03kum


Kumagai, Gakuji & Changyun Moon. 2021. Do labial consonants evoke the images of softness and cuteness cross-linguistically? An experiment with Chinese and Korean speakers. Onsei Kenkyu [Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan] 25. pp.8796. https://doi.org/10.24467/onseikenkyu.25.0_87

Kumagai, Gakuji. 2021. Analysing spells in the Harry Potter series: Sound-symbolic effects of syllable lengths, voiced obstruents and low vowels. Open Linguistics 7. pp.511530. https://doi.org/10.1515/opli-2021-0025

● Kawahara, Shigeto, Mahayana C. Godoy & Gakuji Kumagai. 2021. English speakers can infer Pokémon types based on sound symbolism. Frontiers in Psychology 12. no.648948. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.648948

平原豪・熊谷学而. 2021. 赤ちゃん用粉ミルクにおける両唇音の音象徴」『日本認知言語学会論文集』 vol.21. pp.481485.

(Hirabara, Go & Gakuji Kumagai. 2021. Sound symbolism of bilabial consonants: A case study of baby formula names in Japanese. Papers from the 21st National Conference of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association. pp.481485.)

● Kawahara, Shigeto & Gakuji Kumagai. 2021. What voiced obstruents symbolically represent in Japanese: Evidence from the Pokémon universe. Journal of Japanese Linguistics 37(1). pp.324. https://doi.org/10.1515/jjl-2021-2031 [press release]

文昶允・熊谷学而. 2021. 「短縮語形成に影響する音韻的要因についてー重子音における有標性を中心にー」『日語日文学研究』161. pp.6178. 韓国日語日文学会. https://doi.org/10.17003/jllak.2021.116..61

(Moon, Changyun & Gakuji Kumagai. 2021. Phonological factors that affect the formation of Japanese loanword compound truncation: On phonological markedness in consonant gemination. Japanese Language and Literature 161. pp.6178. The Japanese Language and Literature Society of Korea. https://doi.org/10.17003/jllak.2021.116..61)

Godoy, Mahayana C., André Lucas Gomes, Gakuji Kumagai & Shigeto Kawahara. 2021. Sound symbolism in Brazilian Portuguese Pokémon names: Evidence for cross-linguistic similarities and differences. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 20(1). pp.123. https://doi.org/10.5334/jpl.257


Kumagai, Gakuji. 2020. The pluripotentiality of bilabial consonants: The images of softness and cuteness in Japanese and English. Open Linguistics 6. pp.693707. https://doi.org/10.1515/opli-2020-0040 [lingbuzz

● Uno, Ryoko, Kazuko Shinohara, Yuta Hosokawa, Naho Atsumi, Gakuji Kumagai & Shigeto Kawahara. 2020. What's in a villain’s name? Sound symbolic values of voiced obstruents and bilabial consonants. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 18(2). pp.428457. https://doi.org/10.1075/rcl.00066.uno

● 熊谷学而・川原繁人. 2020.「音韻素性に基づく音象徴:赤ちゃん用のオムツの名付けにおける唇音」『言語研究』157. pp.149161. 日本言語学会. https://doi.org/10.11435/gengo.157.0_149

(Kumagai, Gakuji & Shigeto Kawahara. 2020. Feature-based sound symbolism: Labiality and diaper names in Japanese. Gengo Kenkyu [Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan] 157. pp.149-161. https://doi.org/10.11435/gengo.157.0_149

● Kawahara, Shigeto, Mahayana C. Godoy & Gakuji Kumagai. 2020. Do sibilants fly? Evidence from the sound symbolic pattern in Pokémon names. Open Linguistics 6. pp.386400. https://doi.org/10.1515/opli-2020-0027 

Kumagai, Gakuji, Kazuaki Yoshitake, Hiromu Tanji & Takuya Matsuhashi. 2020. Sound-symbolic effects of voiced obstruents and mora counts on the monster names of Digital Monster and Monster Hunter and on the spell names of Final Fantasy. Onsei Kenkyu [Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan] 24(2). pp.6370. https://doi.org/10.24467/onseikenkyu.24.0_63 [lingbuzz]

● Kawahara, Shigeto, Michinori Suzuki & Gakuji Kumagai. 2020. The sound symbolic patterns in Pokémon move names in Japanese. ICU Working Papers in Linguistics 10. Festschrift for Prof. Junko Hibiya in the occasion of her retirement from ICU. pp.1730. https://doi.org/10.34577/00004622


● Moon, Changyun & Gakuji Kumagai. 2019. Markedness in loanwords: The case of compound truncation in Japanese. Proceedings of the 12th GLOW in Asia. pp.497506.

● Kawahara, Shigeto & Gakuji Kumagai. 2019. Inferring Pokémon types using sound symbolism: The effects of voicing and labiality. Onsei Kenkyu [Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan] 23(2). pp.111116. https://doi.org/10.24467/onseikenkyu.23.0_111

● 熊谷学而・川原繁人. 2019.「ポケモンの名付けにおける母音と有声阻害音の効果:実験と理論からのアプローチ」『言語研究』155. pp.6599. 日本言語学会. https://doi.org/10.11435/gengo.155.0_65

(Kumagai, Gakuji & Shigeto Kawahara. 2019. Effects of vowels and voiced obstruents on Pokémon names: Experimental and theoretical approaches. Gengo Kenkyu [Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan] 155. pp.6599. https://doi.org/10.11435/gengo.155.0_65)

● Kawahara, Shigeto, Hironori Katsuda & Gakuji Kumagai. 2019. Accounting for stochastic nature of sound symbolism using Maximum Entropy model. Open Linguistics 5. pp.109120. https://doi.org/10.1515/opli-2019-0007 

Kumagai, Gakuji. 2019. A sound-symbolic alternation to express cuteness and the orthographic Lyman's Law in Japanese. Journal of Japanese Linguistics 35(1). pp.3974. https://doi.org/10.1515/jjl-2019-2004 [download] [lingbuzz]

● Kawahara, Shigeto & Gakuji Kumagai. 2019. Expressing evolution in Pokémon names: Experimental explorations. Journal of Japanese Linguistics 35(1). pp.338. https://doi.org/10.1515/jjl-2019-2002 [lingbuzz]


● Kawahara, Shigeto, Atsushi Noto & Gakuji Kumagai. 2018. Sound symbolic patterns in Pokémon names. Phonetica 75(3). pp.219244. http://doi.org/10.1159/000484938 [wired] [lingbuzz]

Kumagai, Gakuji & Shigeto Kawahara. 2018. Stochastic phonological knowledge and word formation in Japanese. Gengo Kenkyu [Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan] 153. pp.5783. https://doi.org/10.11435/gengo.153.0_57 [lingbuzz]


Kumagai, Gakuji. 2017. Testing the OCP-labial effect on Japanese rendaku. Ms.

Kumagai, Gakuji. 2017. Cumulative faithfulness effect in Māori loanword adaptation: The case of repair for consonant clusters. Phonological Studies 20. pp.7784. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.

Kumagai, Gakuji. 2016. Recursive feet and hidden phonology: The case of Fijian. Proceedings of the 23rd Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association. pp.123137. The Australian National University. [Open Research Library]

Kumagai, Gakuji. 2016. Resolving the issue of the target of vowel copy in Fijian loanwords. Supplemental Proceedings of the Annual Meeting on Phonology 2015. Linguistic Society of America, Washington, DC. https://doi.org/10.3765/amp.v3i0.3651

Kumagai, Gakuji. 2016. Vowel epenthesis of English loanwords in Fijian. Phonological Studies 19. pp.2734. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.

Kumagai, Gakuji. 2014. The psychological status of the Right-Branch condition on Rendaku: An experiment with specific contexts. Studies in Language Sciences 13. pp.124145. Tokyo: Kaitakusha.