SCORE Lab. Security and Cognitive Recommender Systems Research Laboratory

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Recent Updates

Oct 28, 2022

One paper accepted in 

Aug 25, 2022

Invited speaker, 2022 NICE K12 Cybersecurity Education Conference to be held at the Mariott St. Louis Grand, St. Louis, Missouri

Sept 01, 2022

Accepted New position , Associate Professor - Data Science, in the Department of Information Science, at The University of North Texas, TX 

August 14, 2022

Paper accepted/published in Elsevier IoT 

July 15, 2022

Paper accepted in Elsevier Brain Research

Nov Thu 11

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phai Recognizes the achievement of Synayana Tirumalasetty.

April 27

Dr. Hossain received TAMUK New Faculty Investment program (NFIP) 2017 - award 

Feb 28

Dr. Hossain received internal grant to setup experiment for large scale wireless EEG data acquisition system development.  

January 30

Research Article published in  International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI), 2017; by Dr. Hossain

October 30 

Research Article published in eural Computing & Application (2016). Springer-Nature. Dr. Hossain as first author.

September 30

Research  article published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence (IJARAI), Dr. Hossain as first author. co-author with Dr.Challoo.

August 31

Conference paper accepted in ICCIT 2016.

July 25

Research Article published in Journal of Computer and Communications, Dr.Hossain as a first author, co-authors from IUPUI.

June 30

Dr. Hossain (PI) and Dr. Challoo (Co-PI) received awards of (App $800K ) from depertment of energy 

 to setup Advanced Energy Simulation Laboratory. 

April 30

Research article published in Journal of Interacting with Computers, Oxfor Uni press, Dr. Hossain co author with Dr. Romisa and Dr. David from IUPUI.

April 01

Research article published in Front. Hum. Neurosci., 08 March, Dr.Hossain co-authored an article with Dr.Myers.

March 24, 2016

Our paper accepted in IEEE CVPRw 2016.

March 20, 2016

Three of our project abstracts are accepted in IEEE Complex Adaptive Systems conference 2016.

Feb 04, 2016

The Security and COgnitive REcommender Systems (SCORE) Laboratory, led by Dr. Gahangir Hossain at the University of North Texas (UNT), conducts research in cognitive computing, models cyber-human interaction, and designs trustworthy cyber infrastructure. The lab also studies cognitive and brain informatics, usability analysis, causal inferences, and synchrony analysis for cyber-human collaborative sensemaking. Their research is based on big data from cyber-human interactions and theories from cognitive neuroscience. The lab conducts a variety of cognitive and behavioral experiments with algorithm engineering and probabilistic modeling, focusing on applications in cybersecurity, business, and medical informatics.

The SCORE lab is dedicated to exploring six overarching inquiries pertaining to the design of resilient, dependable, supportive, and adaptable cyber interactions:

1. What is the relationship between human brain signals and deliberate cyber actions for achieving robust interactions?

2. How can cyber entities replicate secure cognitive and decision support systems to foster precise sense-making and collaboration in secure human-cyber interactions?

3. To what degree can cognitive recommender systems guide, assist, connect, oversee, and lead within a cyber environment?

4. How can we investigate the effectiveness of cognitive recommender systems in facilitating decision-making with trust and reliability?

5. What strategies can be employed to assess and manage cybersecurity risks, ultimately leading to a dependable, sustainable, and trustworthy system design?

6. What measures can be taken to cultivate a proficient cyber workforce capable of safeguarding against cyber incidents?

The lab's research is dedicated to advancing the theory of mind and the creation of intelligent technology tailored for the intersection of cyber-human societies and cybersecurity, grounded in the mind-body problem. Their endeavors tackle optimization challenges to enhance the resilience of cyber-physical systems while leveraging machine learning in the design of mutually beneficial systems. Moreover, they place a strong emphasis on nurturing a cybersecurity workforce from its foundational levels to fortify defenses against cyber incidents.

In summary, the SCORE Lab aspires to offer concepts, algorithms, experiments, frequently asked questions, and tutorials to facilitate the reimagining of systems and models, ultimately leading to a future cyber environment and system design that is both effective and secure, while also fostering sustainability.

Present Projects:

(1) Critical Cyber-Infrastructures: Cybersecurity Risk Prediction, Assessment and Protection  

a. Food and Agriculture Cybersecurity

Lead researchers: Dr. Kossi Bissadu, Dr.Gahangir Hossain, Salleh Shonko, Pavani Velagala  

Project Summary: 

b. Healthcare Cybersecurity 

Lead researchers: Pavani Velagala and Dr.Gahangir Hossain

Project Summary:

c. Transportation and Supply-Chain Cybersecurity 

Lead researchers: Prashant Vajpayee and Dr.Gahangir Hossain

Project Summary:

(2) Cyber-Information Sciences

a. Cybersecurity Education, Curriculum, Pathways Design  

Lead researchers: Dr.Gahangir Hossain and all lab members. 

b. Cybersecurity Workforce Development

c. Cybersecurity Knowledge Bases 

(2) Cognitive Recommender Systems

Lead researchers: Dr.Gahangir Hossain

a. Assistive Thinking  

b. Digital Thinking 

c. Cognitive Cyber Optimization 

Funded Projects:

Past Research Projects:

For Ph.D. students:

Our lab is accepting self-motivated and hardworking Ph.D. students in Cyber data science and security areas. For more details  email to Dr.Hossain (gahangir.hossain AT

Fully funded Ph.D. opportunity :

Our department is accepting Ph.D. students in Information Science ( Data Science or Cybersecurity).

To work in the CORE lab with Dr.Hossain, preferences will be given to the following research areas:

1. Cognitive approaches in Cyber Threats Detection and Prevention: Case study Ransomware

2. Mobile Cloud Security: Security as a Service

3. Cognitive modeling for location-aware phishing attacks (IDCS)

4. New/Cognitive Approach to MFA for Next Generation 5G/6G

5. Distributed algorithms and engineering for IoT Vulnerabilities Assessment and Modeling 

6. Cybersecurity Management for Critical Cyberinfrastructure: Attack Surface Management

7. Critical Cyberinfrastructure Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence Services

8. Cybersecurity Management in Smart Rooms for Elder Care: Secure Assistive Living 

9. HealthFirst: Cognitive Modeling for Unhealthy Cyber Behavior 

10.CyberTutor: An Intelligent Tutoring System for Basic Cybersecurity Awareness Training   

If you are motivated by any of these topics, you can send a statement of purpose (SOP), your resume (including GRE, TOEFL, IELTS, or other scores), and transcripts to Dr. Hossain (gahangir.hossain AT Good Luck!

Dr.Hossain received Microsoft Azure Research Award (20K + 20K) for two research projects.

Nov 3, 2015

Dr. Hossain received two internal grants; one as a PI and another as co-PI from TAMUK, TX.

Oct 23, 2015

Our team presented three research posters in Texas A&M University System 12th annual Pathways Student Research, held in TAMU-CC,TX.

July 29, 2015

Two posters accepted in Cell Symposium: Engineering the Brain – Technologies for Neurobiological Applications; October 15-16, 2015; Chicago, IL, USA.

May 20, 2015

Two papers and two posters accepted in 2015 IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference & Ohio Innovation Summit (NAECON-OIS), 16-19 June 2015, Dayton, Ohio.

April 20

Jame's work accepted in Indy Big data conference 2015.

Spring 2015

Two students graduated. Joshua Elkin's masters project titled "Analysis of Multi-nomial Processing Models in Visual Cognitive Effort Diagnostics" and James Haarbauer worked on "Causal Analysis of User Search Query Intent: Big-data Perspective".   

We received IUCEG grant $10K ( co-PI) titled "A Novel Approach for a New Course in Integrated Sensor Systems, A Senior Multidisciplinary Course Within Electrical and Computer Engineering Program".

March 2015

Two paper accepted in the 45th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference 2015, El Paso, TX, USA

Dec 2014

Two paper accepted 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2015) conference, Los Angles, CA, USA.