

Data Analysis for Business, Economics and Policy. Co-author: Gabor Bekes. Cambridge University Press, 2021, isbn: 9781108483018. Link to book at the publisher's website; link to the textbook support website.

Academic Publications

"Health differences at birth between Roma and non-Roma children in Hungary: Long-run trends and decomposition." Population and Development Review. 45(3), 631-657; DOI 10.1111/padr.12276 . (working paper here) Co-authors: Tamas Hajdu and Gabor Kertesi

"Parental Job Loss, Secondary School Completion and Home Environment." Acta Oeconomica. 69(3), 393-423. Co-authors: Tamas Hajdu and Gabor Kertesi

"Heterogeneity in Expectations, Risk Tolerance, and Household Stock Shares: The Attenuation Puzzle." Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. 2019; DOI: 10.1080/07350015.2018.1549560. (working paper here) Co-authors: John Ameriks, Minjoon Lee and Matthew D. Shapiro

"Inter-Ethnic Friendship and Hostility Between Roma and non-Roma Students in Hungary: The Role of Exposure and Academic Achievement." The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. 2018; DOI: (working paper here) Co-authors: Tamas Hajdu and Gabor Kertesi

"Seeing the world through the other’s eye: An online intervention reducing ethnic prejudice." American Political Science Review, 2018, 112(1), 186-193. (working paper here) Co-authors: Gabor Simonovits and Peter Kardos

“Economic Hardship Triggers Identification with Disadvantaged Minorities." The Journal of Politics, 2016, 78(3), 882-892. (working paper here) Co-author: Gabor Simonovits

On the Test Score Gap between Roma and non-Roma Students in Hungary and its potential causes." Economics of Transition 2016, 24(1) 135-162. (working paper here) Co-author: Gabor Kertesi

"Expectations, Aging and Cognitive Decline" in NBER book Discoveries in the Economics of Aging, 2014, David A. Wise, editor (305 - 337). (working paper here) Co-author: Robert J. Willis.

"The kindergarten attendance allowance in Hungary," Acta Oeconomica, vol. 64(1), pages 27-49. Co-author: Gabor Kertesi

Ethnic Segregation Between Hungarian Schools: Long-run Trends and Geographic DistributionHungarian Statistical Review. Special number 16, 2013. Co-author: Gábor Kertesi

Estimating consumer lock-in effects from firm-level dataJournal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 2013, 13(3), 431-452. Co-author: Gergely Csorba (working paper here)

Firms' price and wage adjustment in Europe: Survey evidence on nominal stickinessLabour Economics 19(5) 2012. 772-782. Co-authors: Martine Druant, Silvia Fabiani, Ana Lamo, Fernando Martins, Roberto Sabbatini (working paper here)

The Roma/non-Roma test score gap in HungaryAmerican Economic Review 101(3) Papers and Proceedings, 2011. 519-525. (working paper here) Co-author: Gabor Kertesi

Roma employment in Hungary after the post-communist transitionEconomics of Transition 19(3), 563–610, July 2011. (working paper here) Co-author: Gabor Kertesi

Stock market crash and expectations of American householdsJournal of Applied Econometrics, March/April 2011, Special Issue on ‘Measurement and Analysis of Subjective Expectations’. 26: 393–415. Co-authors: Peter Hudomiet and Robert J. Willis

The effects of child-related benefits and pensions on fertility by birth order: A test on Hungarian dataPopulation Studies, 63(3), November 2009 , pages 215 - 231. Co-authors: Andras Gabos and Robert I. Gal (working paper here)

Children of the post-communist transition: Age at the time of the parents’ job loss and dropping out of secondary schoolThe B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. (Contributions), 7(2), Article 8, 2007. Co-author: Gabor Kertesi.

Trade in university training: Cross-state variation in the production and use of college-educated laborJournal of Econometrics, 121(1-2), July-August 2004. pp. 143-173. Co-authors: John Bound, Jeff Groen, and Sarah Turner. (download working paper)

Robust standard error Estimation in fixed-effects panel models.Hungarian Statistical Review, Special English Volume #9, 2004. pp. 95-116.

Jackknife Minimum Distance EstimationEconomics Letters, 76(1), June 2002, pp. 35-45. Co-authors: Jinyong Hahn and Gary Solon.

Policy Publications

Low employment among the 50+ population in Hungary: the role of incentives, health and cognitive capacities” in: Börsch-Supan, Axel, Brandt, Martina, Litwin, Howard , Weber, Guglielmo (eds.), Active ageing and solidarity between generations in Europe. De Gruyter. 2013. pp. 77-90. Co-author: Janos Divenyi

Methods for assessing the impact of active labor market programs” in: K. Fazekas and G. Kézdi (eds.), The Hungarian Labour Market 2012. In Focus. Evaluation of Active Labor Market Programs, Institute of Economics HAS, 2012. pp. 49-64.

International evidence on the impact of active labor market programs” in: K. Fazekas and G. Kézdi (eds.), The Hungarian Labour Market 2012. In Focus. Evaluation of Active Labor Market Programs, Institute of Economics HAS, 2012. pp. 65-81. Co-author: Péter Hudomiet

Household’s beliefs and financial decisions“ In: VOX - Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists. 19 Dec 2011. Co-author: Robert J. Willis

Wage setting in Hungary: evidence from a firm survey.” MNB Bulletin, 4(3) 2009, 20-26. Co-author: István Kónya

A Successful School Integration Program. An Evaluation of the Hungarian National Government’s School Integration Program, 2005-2007. Roma Education Fund, 2009. Co-author: Eva Suranyi

In-kind Benefits in Hungary” in: K. Fazekas and G. Kézdi (eds.), The Hungarian Labour Market 2007. In Focus. Wages: New Developments, Institute of Economics HAS, 2006. Co-authors: Hedvig Horváth and Péter Hudomiet.

Expected Long-Term Budgetary Benefits to Roma Education in Hungary. Roma Education Fund. Budapest, 2006. (download ) Co-author: Gábor Kertesi

Education and Earnings” in: K. Fazekas and J. Varga (eds.), The Hungarian Labour Market 2005. In Focus: Education and the Labour Market, Institute of Economics HAS, 2005.

“Wages, Employment and Incentives in the Public Sector in Hungary” in: L. Bokros and J-J. Dethier (eds.), Public Finance Reform During the Transition: the experience of Hungary, The World Bank, Washington, 1998. Co-authors: László Herczog and Barbara Nunberg. (download my contribution to the chapter as working paper)

Publications in Hungarian

Az érettségi védelmében.” (In defense of the maturity examination), Budapesti Munkagazdaságtani Füzetek, 2015/1. Co-authors: Tamás Hajdu, Zoltán Hermann, Dániel Horn, Gábor Kertesi, János Köllő, Júlia Varga. (lots of news coverage, e.g., here, and here, and here)

Roma fiatalok a középiskolában. Beszámoló a TÁRKI Életpálya-felmérésének 2006 és 2012 közötti hullámaiból.” (Roma students in secondary schools. Report from the Hungarian Life Course Survey of TARKI, waves 2006-12), In: Tamás Kolosi and István György Tóth, eds, Társadalmi Riport (Social report) 2014. TÁRKI, Budapest. Co-authors: Tamás Hajdu and Gábor Kertesi

A roma és nem roma tanulók teszteredményei közti különbségekről és e különbségek okairól.” (On test score gap between Roma and non-Roma students and its causes), Közgazdasági Szemle, 2012. (59), 1045-1085. Co-author: Gábor Kertesi

Az óvodáztatási támogatásról. Egy feltételekhez kötött készpénz-támogatási program értékelése.” (On the kindergarten subsidy: Evaluation of a conditional cash transfer program), Közgazdasági Szemle, 2012. (59), 1045-1085. Co-author: Gábor Kertesi

A programok hatásvizsgálatának módszertana.”(Methods for assessing the impact of active labor market programs.) In: Munkaerőpiaci Tükör 2011 (Labor Market Yearbook of the Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). Eds: Karoly Fazekas and Gabor Kezdi. 2011

Az aktív foglalkoztatáspolitikai programok nemzetközi tapasztalatai.” In Hungarian. (International evidence on the impact of active labour market programs.) In: Munkaerőpiaci Tükör 2011 (Labor Market Yearbook of the Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). Eds: Karoly Fazekas and Gabor Kezdi. 2011 Co-author: Péter Hudomiet

Iskolázatlan szülők gyermekei és roma fiatalok a középiskolában.” (Children of Roma and uneducated families in the secondary schools). In: Tamás Kolosi and István Gy. Tóth (eds), Társadalmi Riport 2010. TÁRKI, Budapest, 2010. Co-author: Gábor Kertesi

“Mintavétel és elemzési módszerek az Oktatási Intergrációs Program hatásvizsgálatában, és a hatásvizsgálatból levonható következtetések.” (Sampling and statistical methods used in the evaluation of the National Integration Program and the conclusions of the evaluation), Magyar Tudomány, 2010. 7(16). Co-author: Éva Surányi. (download working paper version here)

“A nem-kognitív készségek mérése az Oktatási Intergrációs Program hatásvizsgálatában.” (Measurement of non-cognitive skills in the evaluation of the National Integration Program), Magyar Tudomány, 2010. 7(15). Co-author: Éva Surányi. (download working paper version here)

Bérmegállapítás Magyarországon: egy vállalati felmérés eredményei.” (Wage setting in Hungary: evidence from a firm survey), MNB Szemle, 2009. October, 19-25. Co-author: István Kónya

Általános iskolai szegregáció Magyarországon az ezredforduló után.” (Segregation in the primary schools in Hungary after 2000), Közgazdasági Szemle, 2009. November, 959-1000. Co-author: Gábor Kertesi

Egy integrációs program hatása a tanulók fejlődésére.” (The effect of a school integration program on students’ development.), Educatio, 2008/IV. Co-author: Éva Surányi

A roma és nem roma fiatalok középiskolai továbbtanulása.” (Secondary education of Roma and Non-Roma children). In: Tamás Kolosi and István Gy. Tóth (eds), Társadalmi Riport 2008. TÁRKI, Budapest, 2008. Co-author: Gábor Kertesi

Az érettségit nem adó szakmunkásképzés válságtünetei” (Crisis in the outcomes of vocational training). In: Károly Fazekas and János Köllő (eds), Munkaerőpiaci Tükör 2008. MTA-KTI, Budapest, 2008. Co-authors: János Köllő and Júlia Varga

“Az aktív munkaerő-piaci programok nemzetközi tapasztalatai.” (Reviewing the international evidence on the effects of active labor market programs), Kormányzás, 2008, 3(1), 3-37. Co-author: Péter Hudomiet

Téveszmék és álterápiák.” (False ideas and wrong therapies. On vocational training in Hungary.) Figyelő, 2007/2. Co-author: Julia Varga

“Daniel L. McFadden” In: Közgazdasági Nobel-díjasok 1969-2004 (Nobel Laureats in Economics, 1969 to 2004). Ed. Zsuzsa Bekker. 2005, Budapest, KJK-Kerszöv.

“James J. Heckman” In: Közgazdasági Nobel-díjasok 1969-2004 (Nobel Laureats in Economics, 1969 to 2004). Ed. Zsuzsa Bekker. 2005, Budapest, KJK-Kerszöv.

Általános iskolai szegregáció I-II” (Segregation in the Primary School System in Hungary: Causes and Consequences), Közgazdasági Szemle, 2005, 52(4 and 5), 317-356 and 462-480. Co-author: Gábor Kertesi (download 2nd part here)

“Miért pont úgy kombinálja kétfokozatú legkisebb négyzetek módszere (2SLS) az instrumentumokat, ahogy?” (Why does 2SLS combine instruments the way it does?), In: Egy reneszánsz statisztikus. Tanulmánykötet Hunyadi László tiszteletére. (A renessaince statistician. Essays in honor of László Hunyadi). Ed. László Vita. KSH, Budapest, 2004

A rendőrség etnikai profilalkotásának mai gyakorlata” (Ethnic profiling by the Hungarian police), Belügyi Szemle, 2004, 52(2 and 3), Co-authors: Lilla Farkas, Sándor Loss and Zsolt Zádori.

“Életkor szerinti kereseti különbségek a rendszerváltás elõtt és után” (Age-earnings profiles before and after the post-communist transition.), In: Racionalitás és méltányosság. Tanulmányok Augusztinovics Máriának. (Rationality and Equity. Essays In Honor of Maria Augusztinovics). Eds.: Júlia Király, András Simonovits, János Száz. Közgazdasági Szemle Alapítvány, Budapest, 2000, Co-author: János Köllő

A cigány népesség Magyarországon. Dokumentáció és adattár. (The Gypsy Population in Hungary. Documentation and Statistics.) Socio-typo, Budapest, 1999. Co-author: Gábor Kertesi

Az önbevalláson alapuló kereseti adatok érvényessége.” (The Validity of Self-Reported Earnings). Közgazdasági Szemle, 1998. November. p. 1035-1042.

“A személyi jövedelemadó-bevételeket meghatározó folyamatok, 1989-94. ­– Statisztikai analízis” (Changes in Personal Income Tax Revenues in Hungary, 1989-94 – A Statistical Analysis). Pénzügyi Szemle, Feb. 1996.

“Cigány gyerekek az iskolában. Helyzetfelmérés és egy cigány oktatási koncepció vázlata.” (Gypsy Students in Primary Schools. Analysis and outline of an education reform), in: Cigányok és iskola (Gypsies and School), Educatio, Budapest, 1996. Co-author: Gábor Kertesi