FCD/HSDR/VAC/AIS Monitor/VirtualCOMport/AIS

Decoder to GoogleKMZ

In my setup the FM output of HSDR produces good results with AIS signals. Here I use a FCD(Pro+) but any suitable receiver may be used.

The FM audio is sent to AIS monitor with virtual audio. AISmon here, https://help.marinetraffic.com/hc/en-us/articles/205339707-AISMon. Virtual audio see HERE for choices.

The picture below shows the setup.

HDSDR is setup for the FCD tuned to 162.025MHz, the FMN audio sent to a virtual audio cable. This is selected on the input of AISMon.

I have selected that the output goes to a virtual serial port COM4. The other end of this connection is COM5 and is selected as the input of AisDecoder.

Two examples of virtual serial port HERE https://sites.google.com/site/g4zfqradio/hdsdr_digi-modes#h.kw2bphe1i7ko

The data may be seen in tabular form.

Or, with Google Earth installed a .kmz file is sent to Google Earth via UDP, see AisDecode HELP. ["Google Earth" and "Configuring Google Earth"]

Here is a picture of vessels seen around here with my setup.