Southern California Literary Database

How to use this database

Listings in this database are provided alphabetically by organization name and by type of organization. Click on By organization name or By type at the bottom of this page to see the two different versions.

You are welcome to download this information and use it in any way you like. Please give credit to the Future of Publishing Think Tank, and let us know what you've used it for.

If your literary organization is listed here and you find any errors, please let us know.

If your literary organization is based in Los Angeles County and is not listed here, click here to add it.

You can see this information in a spreadsheet, or on our map.


Please note: Database entries must be for literary organizations only, not individuals. Publishers must publish the work of more than one author. The Future of Publishing Think Tank reserves the right to remove entries at its discretion, and to edit entries for length and inappropriate content. This site is a work in progress and may contain errors or glitches. If you have technical expertise and would like to volunteer your services to improve the FOPTT site, please contact us.