Technical Aspects of Dust Collection
Technical Aspects of Dust Collection
A dust collection system includes a number of components to be able to properly manage the system throughout a shop. Maintaining and keeping the full system under power is important to keep you shop clean.
Dust Collector Pressure and Suction
A discussion of basic pressure-balancing and air-sealing issues in a small shop dust collection system. I imagine that a cyclone separator would work, but you would have to check the specs of the cyclone to see if it will handle the cfm you want to run. As for the vents in your wall, they are used to return the air that you have just sucked out of the shop.
Articulated Dust Collector Arm
For the past few years I've been fighting with my dust collection system. Trying to get an inlet near enough to the working area of the piece I'm turning was usually at odds with my desire to keep everything out of my way. I needed it to have little or no footprint, full flexibility and adjustability something that would cost very little to produce.
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Building your own blast gate for a dust collection system isn't hard. I've seen a few bad examples of how to do this in woodworking magazines however so I thought I would illustrate this simple design I use in my system. This example shows a gate being made for a 6" system but the principle is the same for any size of ducts.Calculating Airflow and Velocity in Ducts
Detailed advice on how to set up a two-duct dust-collector system for good air-flow volume and air speed. I am a small picture frame shop. I am trying to design my layout. Is it okay to locate my dc in a corner and wye two six inch mains off of the dc? Each run will be at floor level, 20' and 25' long with six small machines total. Am I better off putting the dc at the end of the main? It is just easier on my space to place it in the middle. I have a 2hp Shop Fox.
Air Velocities and Duct Size for Main and Branch Runs
Large dust collection systems require complex airflow calculations. What do all the numbers mean? Please don't be thrown for a loop when you see a listing of 45 degree tee on tapers, wyes, etc. from a blowpipe manufacturer. Most of them manufacture a variation of over 200,000 fittings and typically show a limited spectrum, but do note that other sizes are available.