Paper 07

Using Bootstrapped Quantile Regression for small sample research in applied linguistics (October 2018)

1. Dataset for Japanese language learner

2. R code for the OLS analysis

3. R code for the bootstrapped OLS analysis

4. R code for the Quantile Regression analysis

5. R code for the bootstrapped Quantile Regression analysis 

6. Empirical findings from OLS, BOLS, QR and BQR analysis

7. Ox-Gauss code for OLS, BOLS, QR and BQR analysis

7. Ox-Gauss codes for OLS, BOLS, QR and BQR analysis - the findings in the paper are based on R-programming analysis, rather than OxGauss programming analysis. Thus, there are some discrepancies between the former and the latter analysis. However, difference in findings are fairly minor.