Paper 01

"Population and economic development in Sabah" (August 2017).

Source of data:

Yearbook of Statistics, Sabah, various issues

(Kota Kinabalu, Department of Statistics, Sabah).

1. Data set for Matlab codes (from Yearbook of Statistics, Sabah)

2. Matlab Codes 1 (the augmented Dickey-Fuller test)

3. Matlab Codes 2 (the Engle-Granger cointegration test)

4. Matlab Codes 3 (the Granger causality test)

5. Data set for EViews codes (from Yearbook of Statistics, Sabah)

6. EViews Codes 1 (the augmented Dickey-Fuller test)

7. EViews Codes 2 (the Engle-Granger cointegration test)

8. EViews Codes 3 (the Granger causality test)