Francesco Amodio

Associate Professor of Economics and International Development

MONT^2 Co-Founder and Co-Director

IZA, CIREQ and CReAM Research Fellow 

CEPR Research Affiliate

McGill CPD Associate Member                                

Leacock Building 514

855 Sherbrooke St. West

Montreal, QC, H3A 2T7 

curriculum vitae [pdf]

e-mail  francesco.amodio [at]

twitter  @fscoamodio

Research Interests

I study the private sector in low and middle-income countries and its potential to foster sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty.

Working Papers and Work in Progress

Selection, Absolute Advantage, and the Agricultural Productivity Gap (with F. Alvarez and M. Poschke)

Labor Market Power, Self-employment, and Development (with P. Medina and M. Morlacco)

Global Labor Market Power (with E. Brancati, P. Brummund, N. de Roux and M. Di Maio)

The Local (Informal) Multiplier of Industrial Jobs (with E. Benveniste, H. Pham and M. Sanfilippo)

Beefing Up: Commodity Exports to China and Production Network Spillovers (with G. Chiovelli and S. Frache)

The Effect of Regularization on Migrant Labor Exploitation (with E. Benveniste, M. Carillo and M. Riudavets-Barcons)

Selected Publications

Measuring Labor Market Power in Developing Countries: Evidence from Colombian Plants (with N. de Roux)

Trade Liberalization, Economic Activity, and Political Violence in the Global South: Evidence from PTAs (with L. Baccini, G. Chiovelli and M. Di Maio

The Employment Effects of Ethnic Politics (with G. Chiovelli and S. Hohmann)

Workplace Incentives and Organizational Learning (with M. A. Martinez)

Security, Trade, and Political Violence (with L. Baccini and M. Di Maio)

Ethnicity and Violence During Democratic Transitions: Evidence from South Africa (with G. Chiovelli)

Input Allocation, Workforce Management and Productivity Spillovers: Evidence from Personnel Data (with M. A. Martinez)

Making Do with What You Have: Conflict, Input Misallocation and Firm Performance (with M. Di Maio)

Additional Publications

Weather Shocks Affect Trade Policy: Evidence from Preferential Trade Agreements (with L. Baccini, G. Chiovelli and M. Di Maio)

Work Style Diversity and Diffusion Within and Across Organizations: Evidence from Soviet-Style Hockey (with S. Hoey and J. Schneider)

Agricultural Comparative Advantage and Legislators' Support for Trade Agreements  (with L. Baccini, G. Chiovelli and M. Di Maio)

Bribes vs. Taxes: Market Structure and Incentives (with J. Choi, G. De Giorgi and A. Rahman)

Pre-colonial Ethnic Institutions and Party Politics in Africa (with G. Chiovelli and D. Munson)

Crime Protection Investment Spillovers: Theory and Evidence from the City of Buenos Aires

Policy Briefs and Research Notes
