Friendly Transport

Friendly Transport is the name of our carbon cutting campaign that encourages people to consider the following friendly options for more of their transport needs:

When is is not practical to use public transport, the campaign wants to see more people investing in friendly transport options that are affordable, compact and easy to ride. We particularly urge motorists to try to reduce their carbon usage wherever possible.

The campaign encourages the uptake of quality folding escooters and quality folding ebikes with 20 inch wheels and step-through frames (for regular usage rather than just for leisure). Such friendly transport options are very versatile and can easily find second homes that is an often overlooked factor when purchasing. We believe that promoting quality folding escooters and quality folding ebikes with 20 inch wheels and step-through frames is the best way to get more people onto friendly transport and thereby helping to address the climate crisis.

As for affordability, we believe that the cost of a new quality folding escooter or quality folding ebike with 20 inch wheels and step-through frame needs to be no more than 2 weeks minimum salary (shipping included). This is easily possible with folding escooters and increasingly possible with folding ebikes from some online stores who offer quality folding ebike brands such as Samebike (the same ebikes are also available from AliExpress stores such as Indoor and Outdoor Store).