FOSSIL Boys and girls summer camp information

2024 Fossil Ridge High School Summer Tennis Program

My name is Zach Hartman, and I will be running this year’s summer camp along with Fossil

Ridge boys and girls head coaches Mark and Jill Hartman. I played Varsity tennis for Fossil for

four years including two years of doubles and two years of singles, finishing 3rd in the state in

singles both years. I currently play and start for the Men’s tennis team at Westmont College, a

D2 school in California. I was and still am a personal student of Steve Schultz, former Fossil

boys head coach and top 5 world ranked doubles player.

I am so excited to work with these athletes this summer and improve their tennis game! This

year we will be having a combined boys and girls summer program with three sessions per

week. We will run three 2-hour sessions on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The camp

costs will also include a free 30 minute private lesson with me outside of camp hours.

There is limited space available due to court space.

The session times will be between 8:30 - 2:30. This will be held at Fossil Ridge High School

tennis courts starting on June 4th and ending on July 25th, with no camp on the week of July

4th. The groups will be separated by ability (this can and will change during the duration of the

summer as necessary).

The cost of the program is $375 and includes 42 hours of instruction during 21 sessions over 7


This is not mandatory for participating on either tennis team.

This is a great opportunity to get to know your teammates and develop team unity for your

season. The focus will be on getting our players ready for their seasons. We will be focusing on

the strategy, tactics and fundamentals, including volleys, I-formation, and overall movement.

This will happen on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and implementing it into match play on

Thursdays. We will also be working on strength, agility and conditioning during the first ½ hour

of practice every session.

Please make your check out to Fossil Ridge Highschool Summer Tennis Camp. Receipt of your

check will hold your spot for camp. Please mail your check to:

Zach Hartman

5145 Miners Creek Ct

Fort Collins, CO 80528

Players Name ____________________________

Players Phone____________________________

Parent/s Name___________________________

Parents phone ___________________________

Parents email ____________________________

Year in school on 8/5/24 ___________________

Other key dates: Boys pre-season Camp 7/29-8/1

Please email with any questions.