2. Entrees

Entree's (pronounced an - trays) is generally considered the main course of the meal. This is the part of the meal that is meant to fill you up. They are always flavorful and delicious. The French are VERY serious about their food and aren't afraid to try something you may consider "weird" if it tastes really good!

One difference you may notice between France and the United States is the portion sizes on the plates. In France, the portion sizes are much smaller than here in the United States. This is because in France it is not customary, and even considered impolite, to stuff yourself to the point of bursting a button on your pants!

Remember to find TWO that your group wants to put on their menu. Then, describe the dishes IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

Once that's done, allow the artist of the group to get a good picture of it so he or she can draw it in the box. They only have to draw ONE of your chosen entrees though!

French Dinner Menu

(Pages 4 - 6, You'll have to look up pictures of these)

More French Meals

(Make sure to only focus on the meals and not the hors d'oeuvres)

List of French Dishes by Region

(Make sure to only focus on the meals and not the hors d'oeuvres or desserts)