1. Appetizers

Also known as Hors d'Oeuvres (pronounced awr - durvs) in France, these dishes are generally the first course of a meal... in America, we generally call these things Appetizers or Starters.

They're not supposed to fill you up, though they're certainly delicious enough that you could. Instead, they're just to hold you over until the main course arrives.

Remember to find TWO that your group wants to put on their menu. Then, describe the dishes IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

Once that's done, allow the artist of the group to get a good picture of it so he or she can draw it in the box. They only have to draw ONE of your chosen appetizers though!

More Hors d'Oeuvres

(You'll have to look up pictures for these)

Hors d'Oeuvres Menu

(First Three Pages Only)

(You'll have to look up pictures for these)

Some More Hors d'Oeuvres