
Game: Rampart


Rampart is something like a wacky cross between Missle Command and Tetris. But it's really like neither and better than both. You have a castle and your friends have castles and you try to blow each others castles to bits with lots of cannons. The game has 3 phases:

1. Battle: In this mode you fire at the walls of your enimies castles and blow up as much as possible. The graphics are all juiced up in this phase of the game and pop into a simple, clean version for the other 2 phases for some reason.

2. Build: In this mode you have to repair your castle with little Tetris shaped pieces of wall. Rotate the pieces to fill in the gaps in your wall. If you don't completely repair your castle in the alloted time you lose.

3. Place cannons: Put down your ammo for next round.




***** - The graphics are all right, typical of the era. They don't add anything to the game but they don't take anything away.


***** - The  sounds are pretty good too. Lots of nice explosions. It wouldn't hurt if the game had some music but I guess you can run iTunes in the background.


***** - The gameplay is this games strong suite. I like playing Capture the Cow best. Add a friend and about 40 bots on a few different teams and get ready for some cool chaos.


***** - The game is just difficult enough. Sometimes the bots are frusteratingly good but usually it's just right.


***** - There are a few different maps to mix it up but theirs really not much else to add to the replayability. But it's so fun as it is you won't care.



(This rating is not cumulitive of the other scores)

Pros: Really great gameplay, large teams. Challenging computer AI. Addictive.

Cons: Graphics aren't too great. No music.