
Recent CV and papers (under re-construction)

Selected publications

Markups and Firm-Level Export Status (with Jan De Loecker), American Economic Review, Vol. 102 (6), October 2012, pp. 2437-2471.

Increased Sorting and Wage Inequality in the Czech Republic: New Evidence Using Linked Employer-Employee Dataset (with Tor Eriksson and Mariola Pytlikova), Economics of Transition, Vol. 21 (2), April 2013, pp. 357-380.

Estimating productivity with multi-product firms, pricing heterogeneity and the role of international trade (with Valérie Smeets), Journal of International Economics, Vol. 90 (2), July 2013, pp. 237-244.

Vertical Integration, Exclusivity and Game Sales Performance in the U.S. Video Game Industry (with Ricard Gil), Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Vol. 31 (sup. 1), August 2015, pp. i143-i168.

Endogenous Markups, Firm Productivity and International Trade: A Test of the Melitz-Ottaviano Model (with Flora Bellone, Patrick Musso and Lionel Nesta), Journal of Economic Geography, Vol. 16 (1), January 2016, pp. 67-91.

Rethinking De-Industrialization” (with Andrew Bernard and Valerie Smeets), Economic Policy, Vol 32 (89), January 2017, pp. 5-38.

Evaluating the net benefits of collective reputation: The case of Bordeaux wine (with Olivier Gergaud, Florine Livat and Bradley Rickard). Food Policy, 71, August 2017, pp. 8-16.

Performance, Career Dynamics, and Span of Control (with Valérie Smeets and Michael Waldman), Journal of Labor Economics, 37, no. 4, October 2019, pp. 1183-1213.

Coping with the Crisis and Export Diversification (with Kaleb Girma Abreha and Valérie Smeets), World Economy Volume 43, Issue 5 (Special Issue: What Makes a Successful Exporter), May 2020, pp. 1452-1481.

Trade Liberalization with Granular Firms” (with Martin Alfaro). Economic Modelling, Volume 105, December 2021, pp. 1-14.

Export Conditions in Small Countries and their Effects on Domestic Markets (with Martin Alfaro), Canadian Journal of Economics Volume 44, Issue 4, November 2022, pp. 1894-1928.

CV (Updated, April 2024) - coming soon

Working papers/work in progress

“Theory for Extending Single-Product Production Function Estimation to Multi-Product Settings” (with Emmanuel Dhyne, Amil Petrin and Valérie Smeets), June 2024. New version coming soon. See also old version: NBER WP # 30784

Multiproduct firms, import competition, and productivity”  (with Emmanuel Dhyne, Amil Petrin and Valérie Smeets), May 2024. Submitted.

   Old title: Multi-Product Firms, Import Competition, and the Evolution of Firm-product Technical Efficiencies”, January 2023. 

See also the older NBER WP #23637.  

Fight or Flight? How Do Firms Adapt their Product Mix in Response to Demand and  Competition” (with Luca Macedoni and Rui Zhang), May 2024.  Submitted.

“AI Adoption, Productivity and Labor Composition: Evidence from Denmark”, April 2024. Draft coming soon.

“Complementarity or Substitutability between Foreign and Domestic Employment Decisions at MNE's”, April 2024. Draft coming soon.

“The Dynamics of Multinational Production: The Intensive and Extensive Margins of FDI Decisions of Korean Firms” (with Jung Hur and Haeyeon Yoon), April 2024. Draft coming soon.

“Process vs. Product Innovation: Evidence from Danish Producer Level Data" (with Mons Chan and Amil Petrin), April 2024. Reject & resubmit, under revision. 

See also the old version, "The Impact of Research and Development on Quality, Productivity and Welfare” (with Mons Chan and Amil Petrin), January 2023. NBER WP#30950

“Firm Productivity and Labor Quality” (with Mons Chan, Sergio Salgado and Ming Xu), April 2024.

“Estimating the Returns to R&D Subsidies” (with Elena Crivellaro, Antonella Rita Ferrara and Silvia Granato), April 2024. Work in progress.

“Deregulation and Spillovers in Multi-Product Production Settings” (with Emmanuel Dhyne and Amil Petrin), April 2024

“Novel methodologies for markup estimation with multiproduct firms” Slides

“Multiproduct Firms in French Manufacturing, the Rise of Subcontracting and Global Sourcing” April 2024.

“Firm Selection and Organizational Choice: Complex Patterns of Global Sourcing”, April 2024.

Heterogeneous Globalization: Offshoring and Reorganization” (with Andrew Bernard, Teresa Fort and Valérie Smeets), January 2024. R&R.

See also the older NBER WP # 26864

Productivity Measurement and Exceptional Exporter Performance: Evidence from a Chinese Production Survey” (with Yao Amber Li and Valérie Smeets), November 2023, resubmitted. 

Comparing R&D Patterns in Nordic Countries”, November 2022.

Raising EU productivity through innovation” (with Reinhilde Veugelers), Brueghel Working Paper, June 2022. 

“AI, Robots and Productivity: New Evidence from ICT Use Surveys”, December 2021.

“Changing Skill Structure and COVID-19” (with Elena Mattana and Valérie Smeets), August 2020.

“ICT, Firm Growth and Productivity” (with Valérie Smeets), May 2020.


“GVC Dynamics: Shipping in a Global Pandemic” (with Ricard Gil).

“Offshoring and Productivity Mismeasurement: How Big is the Issue with Micro-Data?”

“Robots, Jobs and Productivity”.

“Recent Evolution of Markups in Danish Manufacturing”.

Old stuffs

A French Recipe to Become a Top Chef: Assortative Matching and Gradual Human Capital Accumulation in Creative Industries” (with Olivier Gergaud, Heiner Schumacher and Valérie Smeets). September 2020. 

“Firm-Product Markups. Efficiency and Trade Openess” (with Andrea Lamorgese and Andrea Linarello). 

“Offshoring and the Shortening of the Quality Ladder: Evidence from Danish Apparel” (with Valérie Smeets and Sharon Traiberman). 

“Assessing Theories of Vertical Integration in Creative Industries: Mergers and Acquisitions in the US Video Game Industry” (with Ricard Gil). 

“Markups, Productivity and Quality at the Firm-Product Level” (with Emmanuel Dhyne and Amil Petrin)