Competition Rules, Guidelines and Recommendations

· All swimmers must attend all competitions.

· After receiving a ‘Meet Package’ from the host club, our manager will register the swimmers and submit all fees to the host club by the required deadline. Parents will then receive a Travel Expense Form from our manager that indicates what you owe. You will pay for your daughter’s entry fees, the cost of the social and your portion of the coach’s expenses.

· For a figures competition, the figure draw takes place 18-72 hours in advance.

· The team uniform, no denim, is worn throughout the event.

· No jewelry can be worn during competitions, except small stud-type earrings. Also, no fingernail or toenail polish. Bottoms of feet must be clean. Some girls will need to shave under arms and the bikini area.

· All swimmers must attend spacing or the 'music practice' (the pre-competition routine practice). To spacing, swimmers wear the black Fredericton Synchro bathing cap and the red/black/white team bathing suit.

· All swimmers will attend the social.

· The arrival time at the pool for any event is one hour prior to the scheduled warm-up, unless otherwise specified. This is a strict Club policy. It allows time for the coach to gather the swimmers together, review, land drill, stretch together, focus, etc. Also, events can run ahead of schedule and we do not want to risk being late and disqualified.

· Swimmers must find their coach upon arrival at the pool and must not leave the venue without first telling her coach.

· Generally, parents are not permitted on the pool deck.

· At some venues, all shoes must be removed before entering the observation areas or locker rooms – so you may want to pack deck shoes for yourself.

· Often, flash photography is not permitted.

· Generally, the locker rooms are very crowded. Therefore, it is usually best to make arrangements to get ready for a routine event at the hotel.

· If there is a question about the marks or the results, it is the coach’s job to make an inquiry or an appeal. A parent cannot approach a referee, judge or any other official.

· You are a cheerleader. Offer support and encouragement. Ensure your daughter is ON TIME and PREPARED. Follow the recommended eating guidelines.

· The priority must be the competition…

- shopping, visiting friends and relatives, eating out, etc. can only be arranged when it does not conflict with the swimmer’s schedule

- whenever possible, swimmers are encouraged to stay at the pool and watch and ‘cheer on’ their team mates

- the more time the girls spend together, the more they bond and the better (more positive!) the experience of being part of this team and Club will be

· Swimmers are expected to follow the Club’s Code of Conduct. Parents are expected to follow the Code of Ethics. Accordingly, if you have concerns about the rules or guidelines, a swimmer, another parent, an official or a coach…please discuss these privately with your daughter’s coach.

· We will celebrate individual successes and we will support swimmers who are disappointed…but the main focus will be the ‘team’, sportsmanship and having a fun and positive experience regardless of the results.