
Academic-Scientific Journal Interviews:

[84] Gilbert, F (2020) interviewed and quoted in Nature Medicine about the ethics of removing brain device. Nature Medicine 26, 1154-1156 

[83] Gilbert, F (2019) featured, interviewed and quoted in Nature about his work on the ethics of Brain-Computer Interfaces. Nature  571 s29-31

TV/Video Interviews:

[82]  Gilbert, F (2023) interviewed by Peter O'Brien , for France 24 in relation : Mind Control: Top neurotech firms can hoard and share patients' brain data

[81] Gilbert, F (2023) interviewed by Guillaume Grallet, for France 24 in relation to UNESCO meeting in Paris, Puce dans le cerveau: Si un jour nous n'avions plus le choix

[80] Gilbert, F (2022) Brain Hacks. SBS Insight, Episode 9 

[79] Gilbert, F (2020) interviewed by Ryan Takana, for the Neuro Pod -Neuralink podcast, about the ethics of brain-computer interfaces.

[78] Gilbert, F (2019) Reporter Explains Brain-to-Brain Gaming in 3 Steps, WIRED.

[77] Gilbert, F (2012) ‘Football Related-Concussion in Pediatric Athletics Warning’, Southern Cross News, Southern Cross Television Hobart, Australia

Radio/Podcast Interviews:

[76] Gilbert, F (2024) interviewed by Podcast Why? Could your brain become part computer? 

[75] Gilbert, F (2023) interviewed by Clare O'Hagan, UNESCO podcast.  

[74] Gilbert, F (2023) interviewed by Benjamin Luis, Radio Television Suisse, about UNESCO conference. Le secret mental menaces par les implants cerebraux et l'IA, avertit l'UNESCO 

[73] Gilbert, F (2022) interviewed by  Robyn Williams, ABC Radio National (for the Science Show) about Concerns when humans and machines merge

[72] Gilbert, F (2022) interviewed by Kylie Baxter, ABC Radio (for the "ABC Mornings ") about the Neural Devices.

[71] Gilbert, F (2021) interviewed by Jonathan  Mccrea for the FutureProof Podcast episode "Do Brain Implants Change Your Personality?"

[70] Gilbert, F (2021) interviewed by Sam Findlay, for The ACES Podcast "Episode 23 Dr Frederic Gilbert", about work and career.  

[69] Gilbert, F (2021) interviewed by Prof Dyens, for Creators of the future Podcast, Building21, McGill University, "The ethics of implantable brain-computer interfaces"

[68] Gilbert, F (2019) interviewed by Niamh Chapman, Edge Radio (for the "Now that's what I call Science"), about the ethics of 3D Bioprinting.   

[67] Gilbert, F (2019) interviewed by Helen Shield, ABC Radio (for the "Your Afternoon Show") about the ethics of 3D Bioprinting

[66] Gilbert, F (2019) work is being discussed in Episode 64 of the Weekly Weinersmith Soonish Series 

[65] Gilbert, F (2019) interviewed on ethics of DBS for a full episode of the Neural Implant Podcast  

[64] Gilbert, F (2017)  Gilbert on the Ethics of Predictive Brain Implants, Philosophical Disquisition. Episode #27, July 26. Ireland

[63] Gilbert, F (2017) UTAS philosopher exploring pros and cons of implantable brain technology, Campus Reviews Radio. Australia

[62] Gilbert, F (2017) How much can machines tell us about the brain?, Think: Digital Futures Podcast, University of Technology Sydney/Macquarie University. Australia.

[61] Gilbert, F (2016) Implants change your life (podcast devoted to my research on predictive brain devices (in German)), Deutschlandradio Kultur, July 14, 2016. Germany.  

[60] Gilbert, F (2016) Is technology advancing our lives?, ABC Hobart 936, March 03rd. Australia 

[59] Gilbert, F (2012), Head injury concerns, ABC Hobart News, October 27, 2012. Australia.

[58] Gilbert, F (2012), Are we born believers?- Est-on croyant de Naissance?, In Libre Echange, Interview conducted by Justin Dupuis, Radio Radio-Canada, Canada.

[57] Gilbert, F (2008), Punir les irresponsables ?, In Les temps qui Courent, Interview conducted by Philippe Zibung, Radio Suisse Romande 2, Switzerland.

[56] Gilbert, F (2005), L’illusion du libre arbitre dans le chaos déterministe, In Les temps qui Courent, Interview conducted by Marc Berman, Radio Suisse Romande 2, Switzerland.

News interviews:

[55] Gilbert, F (2024) is interviewed and quoted by Folha De S.Paulo: Effective for treating Parkinson's, brain stimulation may be related to behavioral disorders (Eficaz para tratar Parkinson, estimulacao cerebral pode ter relacao com disturbios de comportamento). July 01, 2024

[54] Gilbert, F (2024) is interviewed and quoted by Australian Doctor News: What happens when medical device companies 'abandon' patients with experimental brain implants?, June 21, 2024  

[53] Gilbert, F (2023) is interviewed and quoted by The Messenger: Why Scientists Think Elon Musk's Brain Chip Ambitions Are just 'Sci-Fi Scenarios'. September 15 2023

[52] Gilbert, F (2022) is interviewed and quoted by The Age: In the corner of an Australian lab, a brain in a dish is playing a video game - and it's getting better. November 13 2022

[51] Gilbert, F (2022)  is interviewed and quoted by SBS Insight: The Brain Implant that can translate your thoughts into texts. April 2022 

[50] Gilbert, F (2021) is interviewed and quoted by  El Mundo: La lucha contrarreloj para salvar nustros cerebros de la inteligencia artificial: "Si no actuamos ahora, después sera imposible". May 15 2021

[49] Gilbert, F (2019) is interviewed and quoted by The Mercury: National identity database battle looms. November 04 2019

[48] Gilbert, F (2017) is interviewed and quoted by The Sydney Herald Morning: Elon Musk building brain-computer interface to protect against AI singularity. May 21 2017

[47] Gilbert, F (2017) is interviewed and quoted by The Mercury: Expert to weigh up brain-zap devices, February 22 2017. 

[46] Gilbert, F (2017) is interviewed and quoted by University of Tasmania News: Ethical issues surrounding implantable brain technologies leads academics to US, February 21 2017 

[45] Gilbert, F (2016) is interviewed and quoted by ACES News, Ethics: Managing the impact of Innovation, June 28, 2016.

[44] Gilbert, F (2012) is interviewed and quoted at Examiner, Head-knock warning, October, 26, 2012

[43] Gilbert, F (2012) is interviewed by University of Tasmania Press release, October 25, 2012

Magazine, Science Magazine, E-Magazine

[42] Gilbert, F (2024) is interviewed and quoted in Finché chip non ci separi. dall'Intelligenza Artificiale a quella Aumentata. April 2024

[41] Gilbert, F (2023) is interviewed and quoted in Business Announcer, about hits research on BCI, June 2023 

[40] Gilbert, F (2023) is interviewed and quoted in MIT Technology Review,  about his research  on BCI, May 2023

[39] Gilbert, F (2023) is interviewed and quoted in Business Insider, about his research on BCI, Feb 2023 

[38] Gilbert, F (2022) is interviewed and quoted in The New York Times, about his research on BCI, May 2022 

[37] Gilbert, F (2021) is interviewed and quoted in Salon, A brain implant that zaps away negative thoughts raises thorny ethical questions. October 2021  

[36] Gilbert, F (2021) is interviewed and quoted in WIRED, about using closed-loop devices for depression. October 2021

[35] Gilbert, F (2021) is portrayed, interviewed and quoted in The New Yorker, about his research on identity and brain implant. April 2021

[34] Gilbert, F (2021) is interviewed and quoted in Future Human, about his research on Brain-Computer Interfaces, April 2021

[33] Gilbert, F (2020) interviewed and quoted in Undark article about the ethics of Brain-computer interfaces.  February 2020

[32] Gilbert, F (2018) work is discussed at MIA in Brain Implants: Spinning the Trial Results to Protect the Product, January, 14, 2018

[31] Gilbert, F (2016) is interviewed by New Scientist, Fixed by light: Flick a switch to banish pain and blindness, June, 22, 2016

[30] Gilbert, F (2015) work is discussed at MIA in The Perils of Deep Brain Stimulation, September 24, 2015.

[29] Gilbert, F (2015) is interviewed at The Daily Beast, This device brings 'Brave new world' to Life. July, 25, 2015

Blogs discussing my research:

[28] Gilbert articles are quoted and discussed on The Neuroethics Blog, January 09 ,2019

[27] Gilbert article is discussed on The NeuroCritic Blog, May 13, 2018

[26] Gilbert work is discussed on The Neuroethics Blog, February 13, 2018

[25] Gilbert article is discussed on Philosophical Disquisition blog, July 04, 2017

[24] Gilbert article is discussed on DBS Trial Blog, February 09, 2013

[23] Gilbert work is discussed on The Concussion Blog, May 23, 2012

[22] Gilbert work is discussed on StopConcussion Blog May 23, 2012

Newspapers/Web news/Press release/Newsletter discussing my research:

[21] Gilbert work discussed by Guillaume Grallet on France24 TV. July 2023 

[20] Gilbert work discussed by Robyn Williams on ABC 24 TV . May 2022

{19] Gilbert is interviewed and his work is mentioned in  ACES News. May 2021 

[18] Gilbert work mentioned in BrainInsight, the IEEE Brain Initiative eNewsletter. January 2019.

[17] Gilbert work mentioned in World Economic Forum article. November, 10th, 2018

[16] Gilbert work and profile are featured in BrainStorm, A newsletter prepared by the Neuroethics research unit at the IRCM, Montreal, Canada. Vol 8 (13), Oct 2015

[15] Gilbert study project DBS and the Postoperative Self-Adjustment Phenomenon (REGS UTAS) is discussed in the Australian Parkinson's Disease Registry newsletter, Spring 2015 edition. 

[14] Gilbert work mentioned at The West ( May 14, 2012

[13] Gilbert work mentioned at University of Queensland News May 13, 2012

[12] Gilbert work mentioned at It’s My May 14, 2012

[11] Gilbert work mentioned at University of Tasmania Twitter October 25, 2012

[10] Gilbert work mentioned at Sport News May 14, 2012

[9] Gilbert work mentioned at Heath Canal October 26, 2012

[8] Gilbert work mentioned at Nine MSN News

[7] Gilbert work mentioned at May 14, 2012

[6] Gilbert work mention at Herald Sun May 14, 2012

[5] Gilbert work mention at Adelaide Now May 13, 2012

[4] Gilbert work mentioned at ABC News May 14, 2012

[3] Gilbert work mentioned at University of Tasmania Media release, May 23 2012

[2] Gilbert work mentioned on Community Sport News Newsletter, July, 2012

[1] Gilbert work mentioned on Primary Health care Research & Information Service Bulletin May 31 2012