
[Complete CV here]


Ph.D. in Development Economics (Thesis defended in September 2014)

Centre for Studies and Research in International Development (CERDI)

Dissertation title: Essays on food consumption, child malnutrition and school achievement in developing countries

Advisor: Jean-Louis Arcand (Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland)

M.Phil. in Development Economics (09.2005 – 09.2006)

M.Sc. in Project Analysis and Appraisal (09.2005 – 09.2006)

CERDI – Université d'Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France


Economist (Consultant) at the World Bank 

Washington – USA (Since 05.2020, full-time) 

Co-leader of the impact evaluation of the Improving Youth Employability Through Informal Apprenticeship project in Senegal, with John Giles (DECHD).