
Office Hours: Please contact me directly.

On this page you can find information about 


Technical University of Darmstadt

U St. Gallen


U Bayreuth

Bachelor and Master thesis supervision

I supervise theses in the fields of

If you are in doubt about whether your ideas overlap with my expertise, please drop me an email and we can discuss them. 

To get things started, please spend some time gathering information about a topic or area that interests you. In the next step we coordinate on a meeting, where we discuss a) whether I will be able to give good advice in the area and b) what to do next in order to develop a proper and well-defined thesis topic. In your email please include

Only under special circumstances will I provide topics. In this case, typically expect empirical work that requires software skills (varies by task, but R or stata are close to mandatory). Occasionally, I encourage conceptual literature work, but that is rare. Just ask during our meeting, ideas undergo frequent updates.

Please be aware that there is a window for official registration and submission, which you cannot miss. We can discuss a potential thesis at any time, however.

You can find the requirements regarding form and structure here (coming soon).

A collection of past thesis topics:


Letters of Recommendation / References

If you would like me to provide you with a reference for an application, please consider the following first:

There is a clear trade-off between a great and personal  letter from an assistant professor who knows about your strengths and  abilities and a letter from a senior academic with lots of experience and a well-known name. My personal opinion is that you should always prefer the latter, because they will carry much greater weight, especially in the academic world.

If you find that no senior academic is in a good position to give you a reference, I am more than happy to help you. To get the  process started, please send me the following:

Please note that I might ask you for a short meeting if something is not quite clear to me or to understand your profile a little better.

Finally, please allow for two weeks between sending me the  material and your deadline - I really do want to get the letter right  and that takes some time.