I'm a professor of microeconomics at the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany and an associate at the CEP (LSE) and the SIAW (U St. Gallen).

I did my PhD at the LSE and my interests lie in how firms organise and manage modern production networks, why they do so, and what their decisions imply for welfare. I typically answer these questions using "big" confidential firm and international trade microdata.

Fields of Interest

International, Organisational/Industrial, and Environmental Economics



Happy to start a new DFG-funded Project: Superstar Manufacturers in International Trade: Theory and Microdata Evidence on the Welfare Effects of Distribution Foreign Direct Investment

To check out my wonderful team at TU Darmstadt, please visit our Chair Homepage.

Twitter/X: @FrankPisch 


Technical University of Darmstadt

Chair of Microeconomics

S1|03 182

Hochschulstraße 1

DE-64289 Darmstadt

+49 6151 16 57273