Teaching and Research Experience

Teaching Experience

  • University of Exeter Business School

    • Financial Markets and Decisions II (undergraduate - Fall 2022), International Economics (undergraduate - Fall 2021)

  • Department of Economics and Business, Central European University

    • TA in Macroeconomics (Fall 2014), Microeconomics (Winter 2015) and Mathematics Pre-Session (Fall 2015)

  • School of Public Policy, Central European University

    • TA, Economic Analysis for Public Policy I (Winter 2017), TA Maths Prep for Policy Students (Fall 2017), and Economic Analysis for Public Policy II (Winter 2018)

  • Roma Graduate Preparation Program, Central European University

    • Instructor: Introductory courses in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Econometrics (2015-2017)

  • Open Learning Initiative, Central European University

    • Instructor: Introduction to Economics and Finance

Research Experience:

  1. RA to Professor Istvan Konya (2017)

  2. Visiting Researcher at UCLA Anderson School of Management