

Working Papers

  • Unmasking the Impact of COVID-19 on Businesses (2020) (joint with M. Apedo-Amah, A. Besart, X. Cirera, M. Cruz, E. Davies, A. Grover; L. Iacovone, K. Umut, D. Medvedev, S. Poupakis, J. Torres, T. Tran) [Policy Research Working Paper. No. 9434. World Bank] - Submitted

  • Prospects and Limitations of the EU's Efforts to Promote Labour Standards through Trade Policy: Evidence from the European Neighbourhood Policy 2021 [joint with T. Pal and L. Bruszt] - Revise and Resubmit Journal of European Integration

  • The role of domestic factors in the EU’s governance of labour standards through trade (with L. Bruszt, and T. Pal) [Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Research Paper No. RSC 52 (2021)] - Submitted

  • Exports and Intellectual Property Rights Policies: Does Time-to-Imitation Matter? (2020)

  • Increasing Marginal Cost and Welfare Implications (2019)- Submitted

Work in Progress

  • A Model of GDP and GNI Trade-Off in an Economy with Financial Frictions

  • Domestic Embeddedness and Industry-level Wage differences [joint with L. Bruszt & B. Vedres]