Bird Food .. Sharing Leftovers

Melon, squash and pumpkin seeds – cardinals and others

Corn (even dried and still on cob) – blue jays

Coconut – chickadees

Peanuts, popcorn, potato chips – lots of seed-eating birds

Acorns, hickory nuts, beechnuts, walnuts (smashed a little) – lots of seed-eating birds

Apple, pear, orange halves – orioles and finches (especially orange halves)

Grapes (smashed a little), fresh or frozen blueberries – lots of fruit-eating birds

Raisins and currants (soaked to plump them up) – robins, bluebirds, catbirds, mockingbirds

Cheerios, oatmeal (raw or cooked) – lots of birds

Jam or jelly – warblers and orioles

Yellow cornmeal mixed with peanut butter – lots of birds

Eggshells (crushed) – put out in spring for egg-laying mother birds

Learn where particular birds like to eat. Some like their food placed on elevated platforms, some eat on the ground, some prefer tube feeders, and some like their food held in little cages nailed to a tree trunk. All need a perch or a safe (from cats and other predators) place to stand while eating. All need fresh, not moldy food so be sure to keep your bird feeders and feeding area clean.

Most birds appreciate clean water for drinking and bathing. Standing water attracts mosquitoes so clean your water bath every day!