
Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), Office 5062

106 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8TZ, UK

Phone: +44 (0)20 7040 5853


Citizenship: Spanish


2012 - 15: PhD in Economics, Finance and Management, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.

Supervisor: José-Luis Peydró.

2011 - 12: MRes in Economics, Finance and Management, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.

2008 - 09: MSc in Economics, London School of Economics, London.

2004 - 08: BSc in Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.


2016 - present: Senior Lecturer in Banking, Bayes Business School.

2015 - 16: Research Economist, Bank of England.

2014 - 15: PhD Intern / Guest Researcher, Deutsche Bundesbank.

2009 - 11: Research assistant, Banco de España.



Macroprudential policy, mortgage cycles and distributional effects: Evidence from the UK (J.-L. Peydró, F. Rodriguez-Tous, J. Tripathy, A. Uluc), 2023, The Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming.

Securities trading by banks and credit supply: Micro-evidence from the crisis (P. Abbassi, R. Iyer, J.-L. Peydró, and F. R. Tous), 2016, Journal of Financial Economics 121(3): 569-594.

Working papers

Loan evergreening through banks' lenses: Evidence from product-level data (C. Dassatti, R. Lluberas, F. Rodriguez-Tous), 2021, Centre for Banking Research Working Paper 02-2021. Revise and Resubmit at the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.

Macroprudential and monetary policy: Loan-level evidence from reserve requirements (C. Dassatti, J.-L. Peydró, F. Rodriguez-Tous, S. Vicente). 2023.

Bank capital regulation and derivatives clearing (J. Acosta-Smith, G. Ferrara, and F. Rodriguez-Tous), 2018, Centre for Banking Research Working Paper 01-2018. 

Presentations (* indicates co-authors')

2023: Universidad Carlos III.

2022:  EFiC (Essex), Bayes Business School, Bank of England.

2021: IMF*, Banco Central del Uruguay.

2020: Hu Berlin.

2019: Deutsche Bundesbank, 27th Finance Forum*.

2018: EFA Annual Meeting*, EEA Annual Meeting*, ECB*, BIS*, BoE*, 2018 IWFSAS.

2017: IBEFA Annual Meeting, RIDGE Workshop on Financial Stability (Uruguay).

2016: AEA Annual Meeting, Cass Business School, Bank of England.

2015: Joint RTF-CEPR-JFI workshop ‘Banking and regulation: the next frontier’ (BIS), IBEFA Annual Meeting, RIDGE Workshop on Financial Stability (Uruguay), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Bank of England.


"Who pays for your rewards? Cross-subsidization in the credit card market" (S. Agarwal, A. F. Presbitero, A. F. Silva, and C. Wix), in IWFSAS 2022 (Bayes)

"How binding is supervisory guidance? Evidence from the European calendar provisioning" (F. Fiordelisi, G. Lattanzio, and D. S. Mare), in EFiC 2022 Conference in Banking and Corporate Finance (Essex). 

"Household leverage and labor market outcomes: Evidence from a macroprudential mortgage restriction" (G. Kabas and K. Roszbach), in EFiC 2021 Conference in Banking and Corporate Finance (Virtual).

"Fire sale risk and mortgage origination" (D. Bongaerts, F. Mazzola, and W. Wagner), 7th Emerging Scholars in Banking and Finance (Cass, 2020).

"Separating retail and investment banking" (M. Chavaz and D. Elliott), in ECB-BoJ-BoE Joint Research Workshop (Bank of England, 2020).

"Negative interest rates, excess liquidity and retail deposits: Banks' reaction to unconventional monetary policy in the euro area" (S. Demisalp, J. Eisenschmidt, and T. Vlassopoulos), in Workshop on Bank Business Models (Cass, 2019).

"U.S. monetary policy transmission and liquidity risk premia around the world" (A. Karolyi, M. van Dijk, and K.-H. Lee), discussion co-authored (yes, co-authored) with J.-L. Peydró in the 2019 Annual Conference in International Finance (Imperial, 2019).

"Economics of voluntary information sharing" (J. Liberti, J. Sturgess, and A. Sutherland), in 3rd Bristol Workshop on Banking and Financial Intermediation (Bristol, 2019)

"Regulatory limits to risk management" (I. Sen), in the 6th Emerging Scholars in Banking and Finance Conference (Cass, 2018).

"The simplistic model to estimate the required amount of the bank's loss absorbing capacity" (A. Stopczynski), in the 2018 EBA Policy Research Workshop (London, 2018).

"Bank information sharing and liquidity risk" (F. Castiglionesi, Z. Li, and K. Ma), in the 2018 IWFSAS (Cass, 2018).

"Household credit, global financial cycle, and macroprudential policies: credit register evidence from an emerging country" (M. Epure, I. Mihai, C. Minoiu, J.-L. Peydró), in the 45th EFA Annual Meeting (Warsaw, 2018).

"Congruence in governance: Evidence from creditor monitoring of corporate acquisition" (D. Becher, T. Griffin, G. Nini), in the 3rd Annual MARC Conference (Cass, 2018).

"Move a little closer? Information sharing and the spatial clustering of bank branches" (S. Qi, R. De Haas, S. Ongena, S. Straetmans), in the 7th MoFiR Workshop on Banking (Ancona, 2018).

"The private production of safe assets" (M. Kacperczyk, C. Pérignon, G. Vuillemey), in the Research forum on macro-finance (Bank of England, 2018).

"Life below zero: Negative policy rates and bank risk taking" (F. Heider, F. Saidi, G. Schepens), in the 1st Workshop on Corporate Debt Markets (Cass, 2017).

"Contingent convertible capital instruments and bank risks" (F. Fiordelisi, O. Ricci, G. Pennacchi), in the FINEST summer workshop (Essex, 2017).

"Emergency liquidity facilities, signalling and funding costs" (C. Gauthier, A. Lehar, H. Perez-Saiz, M. Souissi), in the 13th Annual Central Bank Conference on the Microstructure of Financial Markets (Bank of England, 2017).

"Will money talk? Firm bribery and credit access" (Shusen Qi), in the 5th Emerging Scholars in Banking and Finance conference (Cass, 2016).


Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Futures Markets, Journal of International Money and Finance, International Journal of Central Banking, International Review of Finance, European Journal of Operational Research, European Journal of Finance.

Conference and workshop organisation

8th Emerging Scholars in Banking and Finance Conference, Bayes Business School, 2022.

∙ International Workshop on Financial System Architecture and Stability (IWFSAS) 2022, Bayes Business School.

7th Emerging Scholars in Banking and Finance Conference, Virtual, 2020.

∙ International Workshop on Financial System Architecture and Stability (IWFSAS) 2020, Virtual, 2020.

∙ 6th Emerging Scholars in Banking and Finance Conference, Bayes Business School, 2018.

∙ International Workshop on Financial System Architecture and Stability (IWFSAS) 2018, Bayes Business School.

2nd Workshop on Corporate Debt Markets, Bayes Business School, 2018.

Teaching experience

Bayes Business School

Topics in Banking and Finance (MRes, SMM994): 2019 to nowadays.

Bank Strategy and Management (UG, IF3104): 2016 to nowadays.

Monetary Economics (UG, IF3109): 2021 to nowadays.

Banking Regulation (UG, IF3102): 2018.

Middlesex University

Contemporary Issues in Financial Services (UG, ECS3320): 2015.

Financial Markets and Institutions (UG, ECS1340): 2015.

Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Barcelona GSE (Teaching Assistant)

Financial Institutions Management (G): 2013, 2014, 2015.

Systemic Risk and Financial Crises (G): 2013, 2014.

Advanced Microeconomics II (G): 2013.

Financial Economics (UG): 2015.

Introduction to Microeconomics (UG): 2014.

Banking and Financial Institutions (UG): 2013.

Introduction to Macroeconomics (UG): 2013.