Click on the names to access their work (when available)
Andreas Lorrain (jointly advised with Philippe Cara from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel), PhD in Mathematics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2024 - current.
Matteo Tarocchi, PhD in Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca, 2021 - current. Thesis title: Rearrangement Groups of Fractals: Structure and Conjugacy. Matteo's homepage is here
Davide Perego (jointly advised with Jim Belk from the University of Glasgow), PhD in Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca, 2023. Thesis title: Rationality of Boundaries. His thesis can be found here. Davide is currently a postdoc at the University of Geneva.
Antonio Ioppolo (jointly mentored with Andrea Previtali), postdoc, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca, 2021 - 2022. Project title: Polynomial and Group Identities. Antonio is now an Assistant Professor (RTDb) at the Università degli Studi dell'Aquila.
Miguel Alfredo del Rio Palma (main advisor. Jointly advised with Desi Kochloukova from UNICAMP), PhD in Mathematics, University of Campinas, 2019. Thesis title: Graph Diagram Groups. Jointly advised with Desi Kochloukova because I moved to the University of Milan - Bicocca and Miguel was required to have a formal internal advisor from UNICAMP after I left. Miguel is currently a postdoc at the Universidade Federal Fluminense.
Altair Santos de Oliveira Tosti (main advisor. Jointly advised with Desi Kochloukova from UNICAMP), PhD in Mathematics, University of Campinas, 2019. Thesis title: Decision Problems in Homeomorphism Groups. Jointly advised with Desi Kochloukova because I moved to the University of Milan - Bicocca and Altair was required to have a formal internal advisor from UNICAMP after I left. Altair's thesis is here and the published version is here. Altair is an Assistant Professor at the Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná.
Master Students (= Laurea Magistrale)
Anna Crezzini, MSc in Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2024 - current. Project tentative title: Equations in groups acting on trees.
Luca Randazzo, MSc in Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2024 - current. Project tentative title: Crittografia in gruppi (Group-based cryptography).
Chiara Carratù, MSc in Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2024. Thesis title: Problemi di decisione in gruppi di Thompson (Decision problems in Thompson groups).
Andreas Lorrain (main advisor. Jointly advised with Philippe Cara from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel), MSc in Mathematics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2024. Thesis title: On diagrams, Dehn functions and describing groups. Showing that the Dehn function of Thompson's group F is quadratic. Jointly advised with Philippe Cara since Andreas needed a formal internal advisor, but he wanted to work on a topic in Geometric Group Theory.
Matteo Tarocchi (main advisor. Jointly advised with Orazio Puglisi from the University of Florence), MSc in Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Firenze, 2021. Thesis title: Generation and Simplicity in the Airplane Rearrangement Group. Jointly advised with Orazio Puglisi since Matteo needed a formal internal advisor, but he wanted to work on a topic in Geometric Group Theory. Matteo's thesis is available on the arXiv and has been published in Groups, Geometry and Dynamics.
Cristina Cristiano (main advisor. Jointly advised with Orazio Puglisi from the University of Florence), MSc in Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Firenze, 2020. Thesis Title: Alternativa di Tits per Gruppi Iperbolici (Tits Alternative for Hyperbolic Groups). Jointly advised with Orazio Puglisi since Cristina needed a formal internal advisor, but she wanted to work on a topic in Geometric Group Theory.
Bianca Boeira Dornelas (main advisor. Jointly advised with Desi Kochloukova from UNICAMP), MSc in Mathematics, University of Campinas, 2019. Co-Context-Free Groups. Jointly advised with Desi Kochloukova because I moved to the University of Milan - Bicocca and Bianca was required to have a formal internal advisor from UNICAMP after I left.
Marcelo Sousa de Miranda Júnior (main advisor. Jointly advised with Desi Kochloukova from UNICAMP), MSc in Mathematics, University of Campinas, 2019. Thesis title: Automata generating free products of groups of order 2. Jointly advised with Desi Kochloukova because I moved to the University of Milan - Bicocca and Marcelo was required to have a formal internal advisor from UNICAMP. after I left
Diana Milena Otalora Muñoz, MSc in Mathematics, University of Campinas, 2018. Thesis title: Algoritmos e protocolos de criptografia baseada em grupos (Algorithms and protocols in group-based cryptography)
Michel Faleiros Martins (jointly advised with Fernando Torres from UNICAMP), MSc in Mathematics, University of Campinas, 2018. Thesis title: O décimo problema de Hilbert revisitado (Revisiting Hilbert's 10th problem)
Simone Pieragnoli (jointly advised with Carlo Casolo from the University of Florence), MSc in Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Firenze, 2014, Laurea in Matematica vecchio ordinamento (M. Sc. in Mathematics). Thesis Title: Il paradosso di Banach-Tarski e i gruppi amenabili (The Banach-Tarski paradox and amenable groups)
Bachelor Students (= Laurea Triennale)
Valter Leka, BSc in Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca, 2024 - current. Tentative thesis title: Gruppi nilpotenti (Nilpotent groups).
Alessandra Chiodo, BSc in Mathematics, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca, 2021. Thesis title: La Teoria di Ramsey (Ramsey Theory)
Daniele Gamberoni, BSc in Statistics, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca, 2021. Thesis title: Algoritmi alla base dei motori di ricerca: dalla matematica al machine learning (Algorithms behind search engines: from Mathematics to Machine Learning)
Undergraduate independent supervised study
Hugo Silva Santos Valadão, University of Campinas, 2018. Project Title: Teoria de Grupos e Computabilidade (Group Theory and Computability)
Bianca Boeira Dornelas, University of Campinas, 2015 -- 2017. Project 2: Introdução à teoria Combinatorial e Geométrica de Grupos (Introduction to Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory). Project 1: De grupos a corpos, uma introdução à Teoria de Galois e às suas aplicações (From groups to fields, an introduction to Galois Theory and its applications)
Lucas Garcia Gomes, University of Campinas, 2016. Project Title: Teoria algébrica dos números (Algebraic Number Theory)