
Teaching assistant

2021-22 & 2022-23: Master Lophisc, , University of Paris 1

"Philosophy of biology". Topic: "Philosophical analysis of the relation between nature and nurture in biomedical sciences: dichotmy or interdependence?

2020-21: University of Paris 1 (L3)

"Philosophie of science" (épistémologie). Topic: "Realism and objectivity in science"

2019-20: University of Paris 1 (L3)

"Philosophy of science" (épistémologie). Topic: "Chance, probability, and (in)determinism in the sciences"

"Philosophy of biology". Topic: "The structure of evolutionary theory"

2018-19: University of Paris 1 (L3)

"Philosophy of science" (épistémologie). Topic: "Scientific change"

2017-2018: University of Paris 1 (L2, L3)

Two courses of "Philosophy of science" (épistémologie). Topics:

1- Scientific realism and anti-realism

2- Scientific change and contingence in science

2016-2017: University of Paris 1 (L3)

"Philosophy of science" (épistémologie)

2014-2015: Master Lophisc, University Paris-Sorbonne

"Introduction to philosophy of biology"

2012-2013: Master Lophiss, University Paris-Diderot

"Philosophy of the life sciences"

2012-2013: AgroParisTech (Grignon)

"Ethics, history and philosophy of science"

2011-2013: Interdisciplinary undergraduate program "Frontiers of the living", University of Paris Descartes, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (CRI).

"Scientific methodology"

"Laboratory life"

2010-2011: University Paris-Sorbonne

"History and philosophy of science"

"Introduction to logic"

"Philosophy of knowledge"

"Philosophy of science"