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Permanent research fellow (DR2) & Director of IHPST
Institut d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques (Paris)
(CNRS UMR 8590 & University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Médaille de bronze du CNRS 2019
Ph.D, Philosophy
(June 2009, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Francesca Merlin: Research fellow in philosophy of science at CNRS (IHPST lab), Francesca Merlin holds a PhD in Philosophy (University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, 2009 - HDR in 2021). Her research focuses on central concepts in biology such as chance and probability, inheritance and epigenetics, in particular in the context of evolutionary theory. More recently, she is involved in interdisciplinary researches, funded by the ANR, on the plurality of ways in which the environment is conceived and operationalized in the study of environmentally induced diseases throughout biomedical and social sciences. In 2019, she received the CNRS Bronze Medal. She published Mutations et aléas : le hasard dans la théorie de l’évolution (Hermann 2013). She also co-edited, with Thierry Hoquet, Précis de philosophie de la biologie (Vuibert, 2014).
An interview about the concept of exposome published in L'ADN, tendances & mutations.
An article presenting the EnviroBioSoc project and its results: https://www.inshs.cnrs.fr/fr/cnrsinfo/integrer-lenvironnement-dans-la-sante-lexposome-et-la-niche
Collaboration with the art center Le Cube de Garge (https://www.lecubegarges.fr/) in the context of the ANR SAPS-CSTI project : programme arts and science. Call for projects for a research and creation residency at Le Cube Garge & CNRS (€4,000 remuneration and €7,000 production costs) to create an original work around the theme of the ANR ENVIROBIOSOC project, and more specifically around the notion of the exposome (https://www.lecubegarges.fr/artiste/). Winner: Nicolas Michel (www.milkorva.com). Exhibition opening in January 2024.
LSD radio broadcast on epigenetics: https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceculture/podcasts/serie-epigenetique-quand-l-adn-fait-son-interessant
The critical edition of Monod's unpublished book Cybernétique énzymatique has just been published 2021: more information here.
The ANR research project EnviroBioSoc started in January 2020. Have a look at its website: envirobiosoc.cnrs.fr
A book, co-edited with Philippe Huneman, in tribute to Jean Gayon's carrier: Philosophie, histoire, biologie. Mélanges offerts à Jean Gayon, Editions Matériologiques, 2018.
A chapter entitled "Limited extended inheritance" in the volume Challenging the Modern Synthesis. Adaptation, Development, and Inheritance, edited by P. Huneman and D.M. Walsh (2017, Oxford University Press)
An article about epigenetics in the opinion column "Tribune" in the French newspaper Le Monde
29 mars - 1 avril 2016
Institut d'études scientifiques de Cargèse (Corsica, France) Deadline for application: February 15th, 2016
An interview about Darwin's ideas and their relevance today in the newspaper L'Humanité
Mutations et aléas. Le hasard dans la théorie de l'évolution (Merlin F, 2013) http://www.editions-hermann.fr/3790-mutations-et-aleas.html
"Marathon des sciences", 24th Festival of astronomy (Fleurance, August 2-8, 2014) - "Au hasard des mutations!" : http://www.fermedesetoiles.fr/webtv/video/152/francesca_merlin_au_hasard_des_mutations
France Culture, "Continent Science" by Stéphane Deligeorges and with Jean Gayon : http://www.franceculture.fr/emission-continent-sciences-continent-sciences-2014-02-03