Senior Research Fellow, UCL Institute of Education

Research Associate, Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence and Centre for Time Use Research, Visiting Fellow, Department of Social Policy, London School of Economic

Hej! I am an education and labour economist based in London and Stockholm.  My current areas of research include gender equality in the labour market, geographical and social mobility of young adults and the effect of choice and school competition in local education markets.

News: our paper "Gender wage gap among young adults: a comparison across four British cohorts" is now out in Labour Economics.

News: I am a CI in the project "The Changing Nature of Work: What can we learn from Time Use Diaries?’" that was awarded £75,000 from The Productivity Institute.

News: I was awarded the ADR UK fellowship

News: from September 2023 I will be visiting the Center for Educational Leadership and Excellence (Stockholm School of Economics) hosted by Karl Wennberg

Research interests:

Economics of education; labour economics; wellbeing; international trade.


Society of Economics of the Household


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