
Maps and Directions provided by Mizzou & Google™

We are located on the north part of the University of Missouri campus near McAlester Hall and Engineering Building - West. Our lab is located in Noyes Hall room 209. Noyes Hall is on 6th street between Conley Ave/Stewart and Elm Street. There is a driveway up to the building right past the bus stop. Please look at the address carefully.

Directions to our lab have been provided below.

For specific directions, put your mouse over the needle and click 'Directions. Then simply type your address in the specified area and click "Get Directions". You will need to put your street address, city, state, and zip so that Google™ can pin point your location. For an interactive campus map please click here.

Please follow directions carefully and allow yourself plenty of travel time. Don't hesitate to call if you end up getting lost or confused.

Directions to the Noyes Hall parking lot: