Students' advice (with student comments in quotes)

I asked them what advice they could give for any students interested in this class:

Always ask questions, and it is totally ok if you do not understand 100% of every concept. As long as you understand the main points and can relate it to other concepts you learned, you will do just fine.”

"I wish that I focused more on the readings in my reflections so I would better understand them, and I would tell people going into this class to do so."

“Pay attention in lecture, the slides are information packed, and you could miss information easily. Take the class, its very informative and fun.”

"Ask questions in class, because the answers are easier to understand and benefit everyone. Read as many papers on Piazza as interest you. Reflection papers are really useful for taking time to categorize confusing information into larger themes. When you do not know why you were told to read something, try writing about it in a reflection. Don't assume Damian is "right", it makes for better conversation. I wish I had pushed discussing papers and beliefs more in the class. I found myself wanting to talk about this stuff, but was too worried I would have to hold the entire conversation."

“This S&P class is an interesting mix of biology, psychology, social science and physics, and you'll probably find yourself linking it to your other classes regardless of what you're taking. The projects are extremely fun while still being educationally meaningful. It's definitely not the sort of class that you can easily miss, though, as a lot of the learning comes through participation and interaction.”

"Take the textbook readings seriously. Relish in your reflections as much you can--Attempt to answer any and all "hard" or philosophical questions that DKS often raises in that space. Get into a routine for piazza/writing the reflection/reading reflection comments. W/ reading reflection comments in specific, understand that as its own assignment from the jump--don't procrastinate it, it's an opportunity for MORE learning. Paying attention to lecture Titles is important for one's framing and understanding of what are the most important parts/take-aways. Set your own mini-deadlines for all the papers; They'll sneak up on you and you'll procrastinate them."

"I wish I had figured out my notetaking method for lecture sooner. Also, STAY ON TOP OF THE ASSIGNED READINGS!"

"Don't get so hung up on the details."

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