Reading strategically (with student comments in quotes)

Reading strategically

I kept reminding them that there was no time to read everything and that they had to learn to read only what they needed.

"Don't read the whole paper. Your brain will melt. Learn to skim, to condense, to make sense of the abstract. Also, prioritize the stuff you can't fix after the fact."

Scientific articles are compartmentalized to streamline delivery of the needed information, so they needed to learn how to use that.

"I have learned how to better interpret journal articles and research. I no longer skip reading the 'results' section like I sometimes used to do."

“I was not expecting to do so much with first hand experience with articles.” “I learned how to skim over and read more briefly long (very long) studying and try to find the important parts.” “I learned how to do readings without the fear of having nothing to say in class discussions motivate me.”

“I was skeptical about using research papers for learning purposes, but looking back, I don't think things should have been differently. I think that this was a unique way to learn difficult material, and I hope that others feel the same way about this, too.”

"Through reading many papers, I have learned how to look at the figures and use them to my advantage although I still struggle with the idea of not reading the whole text."

"I think I'm getting better at really understanding a research article without having to read all of it. Systematically picking out parts really helps."

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