How have students learned to become more curious? (with student comments in quotes)

“I’ve become more curious about research in general.” “About data.”

“I wanted to study more statistics so that I can understand/analyze the tables and statistics in the papers better.”

“This class has fueled interest in data and research in general. In fact, I might do stat concentration after this class.”

“I have become more curious about what research I want to do in the future.”

“I have become more curious about how I can do my own research in the future. I came into this class thinking I never would but now it's definitely a possibility.”

“I have become more curious about the MAP opportunities available in the psych department. I am curious as to if I would have the skills to help with one after this class.”

“The way that research is designed. I am more interested in what method should be used to examine different relationships and variables and ways to improve the study. Also, I am getting to know things that are important in doing researches.”

“I have become more curious about research and all the different ways of conducting research, how a study can be replicated with different methods.”

“I have started critiquing things more, looking deeper into aspects of research. Literally, in my other classes as well, I have started looking through things like construct validity (over other important things). I also pay more attention to individual variables and their levels which I did not before.”

“I think I have started to realize how psychological methods (e.g. setting up studies, the statistics stuff) can be applied to any area of interest. So, while I would lying if I told you that this class made me super interested in any of the topics we have discussed, it has made me much more curious about a field I was already interested in: education. Namely, how we can conduct systematic research efforts to generate data which can impact the implementation of new educational policy and instruction techniques.”

“Learning more about different methods of statistical analysis has really helped me become more curious and interested in looking at the statistics in papers and the meaning behind the analysis presented. I've found my improved understanding not only useful in psychology but also in my econ classes where a lot of theories are formed from data analysis.”

“I've become more curious about the possibility of going into research after graduate. I'm a Psych History double so I'm trying to look for a way to integrate the two disciplines post-grad.”

“I have become more curious about research and its external validity. We have read many papers in which there are limitations to real-world application. I know that some research applies more to the basic theory instead of real-world application, but I am becoming more curious of how these theories are being applied to real-world circumstances.”

“I have become more curious about ways in which I could apply research methods to the random questions/hypothesis that pop into my head. For example, I was thinking about a study that looked at whether how good a person is at FIFA is purely indicative of how much time they have played or whether there is some degree of skill to it.”

“I've become more curious about the work being done in the field of psychology. I also take what I have learned in this class and wonder about the validity of other papers I am reading for separate classes.”

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