Explore your data

In addition to weekly computational exercises in R (and one or two by hand), the centerpiece of this class is your own project culminating in a full APA-formatted paper in which you

identify a dataset (or collect one! please collect one!) that you can then...

organize and analyze multiple different ways in a principled, theoretically-driven way to...

test valid hypotheses

And because you probably c/wouldn't collect the data you wanted within a single semester, your next job is to..

propose (very specifically) a new data collection designed to allow you to...

propose (very specifically) the modeling you could do with that better design and...

imagine (very specifically) the results that would speak to your hypotheses

And because you should write legibly (see how much I care about your writing here and here), you will have to write this thing in response to

peer review and

external review from people who outrank you/r peers

For everyone who just scrolled to the bottom without reading, here is an example of the specifications students get for the final version during the last weeks of class.

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