Not Just Textbook Rehash (with student comments in quotes)

Elaboration of or discussion with the textbook

However, for all that excitement and challenge of the lecture, it’s really all about making more out of what the textbook provides some nuts and bolts for. So, it’s nice when those students I don’t startle still feel like “class was a good elaboration of the textbook.”

Some students come away very happy with exactly the sort of impression I’m hoping for:

“Lectures expanded and connected concepts from the textbook while adding specific examples and a framework with which to think about the course material.”

I certainly hope I can continue to earn that reaction. Some people find no connection to the textbook, in which case I think my approach might really fail for some students, and that’s where I focus on growing. However, some people come in confident enough to not feel the confusion and instead to find the specific points of contrasting views that make psych so interesting:

“These lectures have been engaging and covered both the past and current psychology in a manner that (mostly) flowed logically and had a sort of general analysis of it all.”

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