Thesis: Future-pointing glue for connecting events into a story

Your story’s thesis statement: "Here's what this story is going to be about."

My advice: Try jotting down any words/phrases/sketches that come to mind as you consider these questions

What do you want out of life?

What do you want to contribute to the world?

What do you want to change about the world?

What are your priorities and values?

What do you want to do for other people?

What do you want to share with other people?

My advice: No, you probably don’t live and breathe this “mission statement” sort of thought process, but you might as well dream big, and take some time away from your usual activities and distractions to reflect on what the bigger patterns are in your life so far.

And yes, it is totally fine if you struggle with these questions because you (students) have not lived very long yet and, in many cases, you may have been too busy struggling just to get where you are. The struggle is actually great material for any story, but now, if you have enough time to, God forbid, read one stupid professor’s personal website, then you also have time to sit back and reflect. Consider these thoughts here.

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