Future stuff

Making this whole college thing work to support your future plans

Why psychology? and the widely varying things other people here have done with psychology (credit to Grinnell’s Centers for Careers, Life, & Service [CLS])

Again, you probably have little idea how many different types of jobs there are out there. And after reading this file you might think "Why NOT psychology?"

"Should I go to graduate school?"

Everything most potential employers will want out of you and tips for how to be more of that person employers will want to keep around them. (my document via Jeffrey Selingo)

Note: I could replace the word “employers” with “people” here, but so long as you’re hoping college to equal a job, I will speak to what you’re looking for.

Some other things worth doing if (or, um, when) things don’t go according to plan (credit again to CLS)

Hey look at all the things I stole from CLS to share here! Why don't you...

Go to the CLS yourself. They are nice people, and they help you even when you've left here.

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