
The Class Ceiling in Politics with Johanna Rickne. Conditionally Accepteted. Americal Political Science Review.

"The Gender Gap in Meaningful Work" - with Vanessa C. Burbano, Stephan Meier, and Johanna Rickne. Management Science

Politicians' Neighborhoods: Where do they live and does it matter? with Linna Martén, Johanna Rickne and Matz Dahlberg. Forthcoming. Journal of Politics

Labor Market Foundations of Political Candidacy across Parties with Johanna Rickne and Jan Szulkin. Forthcoming.Journal of Politics

Economic and Social Outsiders but Political  Insiders:  Sweden’s Radical Right with Ernesto Dal Bó, Frederico Finan, Olle Folke, Torsten Persson, and Johanna Rickne. The Review of Economic Studies 2023.

Sexual Harassment and Gender Inequality in the Labor Market with Johanna Rickne. Quarterly Journal of Economics. 2022.

Party Nomination Strategies in List Proportional Representation Systems with Peter Buisseret, Carlo Prato and  Johanna Rickne.  American Journal of Political Science, Accepted for publication

Previous version of the paper (coautored with Johanna Rickne) named “The ballot rank hierachy and the irrelevance of marginal seats:  Party nomination strategies in closed and flexible PR,” won the "CQ Press Award" for the best paper on legislative studies presented at the APSA Annual Meeting 2017

Gender and Dynastic Political Selection: Theory and Evidence with Johanna Rickne and Daniel M. Smith. Comparative Political Studies, Accepted for publication

All the Single Ladies: Job Promotions and the Durability of Marriage with Johanna Rickne. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 12(1): 260-87 

coverage: New York Times, The Atlantic, BBC, Frankfurter Allgemeine, DN, Fortune, Slate, Forskning och Framsteg, DN, TV 4, Nada Es Gratis, Zetland, SVD, Dagens Arena, Blick, Extra, LSE Business Review Blog 

Who wins preference votes? An analysis of party loyalty, ideology, and accountability to voters with Johanna Rickne. Journal of Theoretical Politics Volume: 32 issue: 1, page(s): 11-35

Sexual Harassment of Women Leaders. 2020. Daedalus 149(1): 180-197, with Olle Folke, Seiki Tanaka, and Yasuka Tateishi.

[Coverage: Daily Mail, Forbes, CBS News, The Independent, SvD, DN, AGI]

Power of Parties, with Jon Fiva and Rune S. Sorensen. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2018

Who Becomes a Politician with Ernesto dal Bó, Frederico Finan, Torsten Persson and Johanna Rickne, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2017

coverage: Expressen, Sveriges Radio,, GP, Vox EU

Gender Quotas and the Crisis of the Mediocre Man: Theory and Evidence from Sweden, with Tim Besley, Torsten Persson and Johanna Rickne, American Economic Review, 2017

coverage: LSE Blogs, Microeconomic Insights, ABC (Australia), NZ Herald, Slate, Dagsavisen, SVT, Aftonbladet, DN, Feministiskt Perspektiv, The Independent, Eco Diario, Scottish Herald, The Weeds, El Diario, Veckans Affärer

Dynastic Political Rents with Torsten Persson and Johanna Rickne. Economic Journal, 2017

The Primary Effect: Preference Votes and Political Promotions , with Torsten Persson and Johanna Rickne, American Political Science Review, 2016

The Glass Ceiling in Politics: Formalization and Empirical Tests, with Johanna Rickne, Comparative Political Studies, 2016

Electoral competition and gender differences in political careers, with Johanna Rickne, Quarterly Journal of Political Science. 2016

Mechanical and Psychological Effects of Electoral Reform, with Jon Fiva. British Journal of Political Science, 2016 Replication data

Gender Quotas and Ethnic Minority Representation: Swedish Evidence from a Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study with Lenita Freidenvall and Johanna Rickne Politics and Gender, 2015. 

Partisan Imbalance in Regression Discontinuity Studies Based on Electoral Thresholds with Shigeo Hirano and James M. Snyder (Lead Author) , Political Science Research and Methods, 2015 

A Gubernatorial Helping Hand? How Governors Affect Presidential Elections with Robert S. Erikson and James M. Snyder, Journal of Politics, 2015

Shades of Brown and Green: Party effects in Proportional Election Systems  Journal of the European Economic Association, 2014

coverage: Vetenskapsradion, Sveriges Radio, Fria

Elections and reform: The adoption of civil service systems in the U.S. states with Shigeo Hirano, James M. Snyder and Michael Ting (Lead Author), Journal of Theoretical Politics, 2012. 

Gubernatorial Midterm Slumps with James M. Snyder American Journal of Political Science, 2012

coverage: Washington Post

Patronage and Elections in U.S. States with Shigeo Hirano and James M. Snyder, American Political Science Review, 2011