2017 Judges

Sylvia Convey

Sylvia works across a diverse range of media including sculpture, wearable art and contemporary jewellery, painting, drawing, printmaking, assemblage, art quilts, art dolls. Sylvia’s pieces are represented in all their variety, from luminous colour and vibrancy to subdued works in monotone.

David Hobday

David worked as a marine scientist for 30 years. His glass journey started in the 1970’s with lead lighting and since then he has developed a considerable repertoire of techniques for working with kiln-formed glass. He now devotes all his work time to creating art glass with a marine theme and teaching others to explore the magic of glass!

Davide Penso

Davide was born in 1965, in Venice, growing up and working in his studio on Murano. After his studies he decides to dedicate himself to “still life” photography for two years. In ’92, he opened his atelier and began his journey with glass. Designing and working the material personally, he creates jewels with a contemporary and innovative style. The success of his works are found reflected over the years through the international collective and personal exhibitions.

Sandra Schmid

Sandra had always had an instinct for art but only as a “dabbler” describing her work as 99% perspiration, 1% inspiration. The discovery of her Mum's treasure trove of vintage buttons ignited a desire to create jewellery that led Sandra, eventually, to the doors of the Bead Society of Victoria. As well as learning to do many amazing things by, essentially, sewing together glass beads, Sandra is also starting to taste the joys of independent creation as she takes tentative steps into designing and creating original works of beaded jewellery art.