Lecture 06


    1. Quiz.

    2. Reading questions from Lecture 05.

    3. Homeworks 3 and 4.

For next time:

    1. Finish Homework 3 (due Tuesday at noon).

    2. Start Homework 4 (DFAs).

    3. Read from Sipser and answer the questions below.

Reading questions

Sipser, pages 47-67

Before you read this section, you should skim it to see what results are developed in this section and why.

1) Why do we have to introduce non-determinism at this point?

2) What is the relationship between the set of languages recognized by a DFA and the set of languages recognized by an NFA?

3) What does Theorem 1.39 state, and what technique is used to prove it?

4) What is the definition of a regular language? What effect does Corollary 1.40 have on this definition?

5) How is Theorem 1.45 related to Theorem 1.25? How are their proofs related?

6) What is a regular expression? What is the difference between R and L(R)?

7) What does Theorem 1.54 state and what technique is used to prove it?

You can stop reading at the top of page 67. We'll pick up here next time.